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Inter-word spaces missing in home page text #61

Closed ttmc closed 8 years ago

ttmc commented 9 years ago

When I visit I get the home page, and something is wrong with the way the paragraph text is being displayed/rendered: many of the spaces between words are missing. For example, in the first sentence, "organization that" appears as "organizationthat".

To help you replicate this problem, here's what I was using:

Operating System: Mac OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite)

Browsers: Firefox 36.0.1, Chrome 41.0.2272.76 (64-bit)

Extensions running in Firefox: ChatZilla, Disconnect, Facebook Disconnect, Google Disconnect, Twitter Disconnect

Browser extensions running in Chrome: Adblock Plus, Privacy Badger

jbuck commented 9 years ago

Looks like it's because it's rendering the paragraph text with multiple <span> elements. I wonder why it's doing that

davidascher commented 9 years ago

react problem. need to end lines with a whitespace. /cc @pomax

LucyeoH-zz commented 9 years ago

Thanks again so much for filing this @ttmc!

Pomax commented 9 years ago

Sort of on the fence on this one, since it's not just jsx/beautifiers that will cause this problem, but also text editors that are set to trim trailing space, which we'll still want even in jsx files.

If a trailing space is necessary in our components, it's probably going to be solved with something that forces them in through JSX syntax, like appending a {' '} in the render return where they are necessary

davidascher commented 9 years ago

I think we should find a way to fix it upstream, but it's a mess.

Some background:

ttmc commented 9 years ago

One of the first lessons you learn in engineering is KISS: Keep It Simple, Silly! (Yes, there are variations on the last word.)

Why is a fancy new JavaScript framework needed to make a static home page? Isn't the whole idea of Webmaker that anyone can make web pages, that it's not hard?

Even if you want something more sophisticated (e.g. a CMS and something to help organize the Agile stuff), this is Mozilla we're talking about. Doesn't Mozilla already have some standard CMS and project-management tools?

davidascher commented 9 years ago

We should take the conversation of the tooling somewhere else. If this bug is still present it is easy to fix (just add some end of line spaces in the source file).