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Figure out default channels #7

Closed simonwex closed 8 years ago

simonwex commented 8 years ago

There are many ways to organize our channels.

There are two (potentially conflicting) goals:

At least in the case of engineering, the organization of the current IRC channels seems to be vestigial. To better facilitate communication, there are a few ways to consider creating channels

Software project

alanmoo commented 8 years ago

There's also the

"Let it grow" approach

There are 2 channels created by default with a Mattermost instance- Off Topic and Town Square. You can't leave Town Square, so that would be the de-facto All MoFo channel. From there we may want to create channels as conversations in other channels become crowded. This will probably result in a combination of all 3 of the above approaches. For example, I'd bet engineering chatter plays a pretty significant roll in Town Square that we don't want to bother the rest of the org with, so we could start off with a channel for it. If certain projects become conversational focuses, or if someone wants to have a conversation about something specific but there isn't a place for it, they could simply create a channel. Channels could even be useful for smaller temporary groups, like organizing a small work-week.

alanmoo commented 8 years ago

@simonwex do you want to go with my approach? Anyone can create channels, so I think this problem will solve itself organically. Let's close this?

simonwex commented 8 years ago

@alanmoo yeah, let's. We might need to revisit this after a couple weeks of engineering + design playing around.

alanmoo commented 8 years ago
