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Participation Leadership Framework - Curriculum Development & Testing #140

Closed emmairwin closed 9 years ago

emmairwin commented 9 years ago


Development & Event Testing for 5 or 6 modules. Priority Order

In this heartbeat we develop 4 quality modules and 2 module drafts for future testing. In this heartbeat we fully test 4 modules. In this heartbeat we run two in-person workshops In this heartbeat we run 2 online workshops. In this heartbeat all tested curriculum is posted on the Education Platform.

Related Issues & Links:

81 #120

Owner: @emmairwin Involved: @geroter


This heartbeat task is all about developing, testing and improving curriculum developed for the Participation Leadership Framework. Here are supporting volunteer tasks:

ioana-chiorean commented 9 years ago

@emmairwin the description is ending with " Here are supporting volunteer tasks: " and blank.. There are none or not yet?

emmairwin commented 9 years ago

Hi @ioana-chiorean - sorry definitely a placeholder just wrapping up the last ones, and will have created these by end of day.

emmairwin commented 9 years ago

5 Themes (and current workshop titles to support them)

3 More Pending, though won't make it this heartbeat.

Breaking and Building Barriers - Proposing Particiaption Building Bridges - Based on Makerfaire Education & Hive collaboration in Vancouver Something for tech women

emmairwin commented 9 years ago

Location of curriculum development:

emmairwin commented 9 years ago

Not going to blog about the results at this point, draft versions of workshops are in the repo above, I know I need to make these clearer for editors and will be thinking about that. Will present outcome in the Demo in Athens