mozilla / django-browserid

Django application for adding BrowserID support.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Verify.success_url never used with {% browserid_login %} #296

Closed alanbriolat closed 8 years ago

alanbriolat commented 8 years ago

The expectation set by the documentation is that you should be able to override Verify.success_url in your own view (used with BROWSERID_VERIFY_CLASS) with some complex behaviour and control where a successful login redirects to. After finding the method was never called, I dug into the django_browserid code and found the following:

As far as I can tell, the correct behaviour would be to not assume a default next parameter, instead leaving it up to Verify.success_url to decide in the absence of one. Of course, I could be completely breaking some other workflow with that assumption, so I'd appreciate any input before committing time to a fix.

bobsilverberg commented 8 years ago

@alanbriolat I have been able to successfully override Verify.success_url [1] in a project I have which uses django-browserid and browserid_login [2]. Perhaps my case is different from yours, but maybe looking at my code could help.

[1] [2]

alanbriolat commented 8 years ago

@bobsilverberg I found that hard to believe, having read the corresponding logic in django_browserid, so I actually went to the effort of running mozilla/oneanddone locally to investigate.

Setting a breakpoint in your Verify.success_url, it definitely is never called on login, and for the exact reason I specified: the browserid_login generated button has data-next="/" in it.

In fact, the reason you get the behaviour you expect is because the logic in your Verify.success_url is duplicated in oneanddone.base.views.HomeView.dispatch(...). The access pattern in the server log confirms this:

[15/Dec/2015 04:45:33] "GET /browserid/csrf/ HTTP/1.1" 200 32
[15/Dec/2015 04:45:34] "POST /browserid/login/ HTTP/1.1" 200 52
[15/Dec/2015 04:45:34] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 0
[15/Dec/2015 04:45:35] "GET /profile/new/ HTTP/1.1" 200 8381

Note the 302 redirect to /profile/new/ after hitting /. The response from /browserid/login/ is {"redirect": "/", "email": "<redacted>"}.

Osmose commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the report!

I think you're right about success_url never being used in practices with the {% browserid_login %} tag. I'd probably accept a fix that avoided adding a next parameter when one wasn't specified, so that the view will fall back to success_url. You sounded like you were willing to work on one?

I imagine this will constitute a patch release given that the code is documented to work this way and just isn't, making this a backwards-compatible bugfix.

alanbriolat commented 8 years ago

I'm not so sure about it being a backwards-compatible fix. The browserid_login template tag is definitely documented as falling back to LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL for the next parameter, and the tests explicitly confirm this. The default behaviour would remain the same, because Verify.success_url defaults to LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL. However, any custom JS that (mistakenly?) relies on the data-next attribute of the button, instead of the returned redirect URL, would encounter new behaviour.

I'm work on a fix, yes. For consistency it seems the duplicate behaviour should also be removed from logout as well as login.

Osmose commented 8 years ago

Fixed by I'll look into cutting a release on Monday and figure out if I should do a major version change or not. Thanks again!

Osmose commented 8 years ago

Aaaaaaaand it's out!