mozilla / eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized

Custom ESLint rule to disallows unsafe innerHTML, outerHTML, insertAdjacentHTML and alike
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Restrict reference to `document` object #240

Closed nrutman closed 1 month ago

nrutman commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately, I can't use the no-unsanitized/method rule because I have a custom object named controlListDocumentCache which has a write method.

When including no-unsanitized/method I get the following lint error:

error  Unsafe call to controlListDocumentCache.write for argument 0  no-unsanitized/method

It seems overly restrictive that this lint rule would prevent any variable name with document in the name that implements a write() method. Could we more strictly reference the global JS document object so it doesn't flag these custom variables/objects?

mozfreddyb commented 2 months ago

The customization / configuration should allow you to switch the current behavior. I believe our documentation in docs/rules/ might not properly reflect that and might be outdated with the upcoming migration to eslint 9, but maybe this test case helps

nrutman commented 2 months ago

Well sure. I can turn the defaults off, but then isn't that essentially the same as not including no-unsanitized/method?

I am wondering if I could redefine the default with a more strict regex. I'm trying something like this for the rule definition:

        'no-unsanitized/method': [
                escape: {
                    methods: ['sanitizeHtml', 'useHtmlSanitizer'],
                write: {
                    objectMatches: ['^document$'],
                    properties: [0],
                writeln: {
                    objectMatches: ['^document$'],
                    properties: [0],

But now I can't get it to error on something like:


Do you have any thoughts about how I can have it issue a lint error when matching the global document object but not on an object that simply has document in the name?

mozfreddyb commented 2 months ago

Looks like the instructions are a bit unclear, spelunking at the code around findings for the objectMatches stuff, it seems you may have to use \bdocument\b or such.

mozfreddyb commented 1 month ago

@nrutman Did that work for you?

mozfreddyb commented 1 month ago

@nrutman I'm going to close this and will be happy to re-open if this problem persists.