mozilla / firefox-preview-bughunting-campaign

Firefox Preview Bug Hunting Campaign - Reports
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Other #564

Open Mozilla-Fenix-Campaign-Bot opened 4 years ago

Mozilla-Fenix-Campaign-Bot commented 4 years ago

Fenix Version: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 7.1.2; Mobile; rv:68.0) Gecko/68.0 Firefox/68.0 Device: LG K11 Android Version: 7.1.2 Issue Type: Other GitHub Username: Tried in other browser: ☒

Steps to Reproduce

All you need to do to reproduce is navigate to any url with an input box and type some text in my example on, I tapped Search icon, typed in the search text "Weather" and as I am typing each character the character is obfuscated with a black highlight so you cannot see what you are typing and as you type it stays on throughout your search string. At first I thought it was malware or some built in feature on my phone that was collecting everything I typed, but found that with every other app or input box including Firefox (beta) for android it doesnt happen, it only happens with Firefox (preview). Also when I type I get unwanted search suggestions which I hate and in any case I have turned OFF in Settings and I believe that the browser should come with search suggestions OFF by default.

Expected Behavior

I expected to type input i to an input box without the character or words I type being obfuscated to the point where i am unable to see what I am typing

Actual Behavior

Every character and word of a sentence is being obfuscated and I am unable to see what I am typing and its extremely frustrating.


Problem Screenshot

Wish for an upcoming feature

"Add-ons", "built in safe search lock", so you either download a version of FF that is not locked or alternatively a FF version called say safefox perhaps that has safe search locked and built-in, so you are not forced (on android specifically, where you have no control over your underlying linux OS to use your hosts file to redirect search engine urls to the safe search url equivalents for each search engine) to use addons which are not appropriate to facilitate a safe search lock since,firstly it takes 2 plugins to achieve and secondly, addons can be simply disabled or circumvented using safe-mode. "Force enable zoom" which is essential for anyone with poor eyesight. Also all commercial browsers come with a lot of so called privacy options ON by default which is because they only exist to harvest people's data and so in their case they are not privacy options they are data harvesting options, since one of the main selling points of Firefox is that Firefox values our privacy and security, is not for profit and hence not motivated by commercial intetests, then I would expect options like, remember form data or passwords to not even have an option, but if they have to exist then these should be off. i suggest that when you install preview or at least on first use, that it goes through a wizard that makes the user aware of all of the settings especially privacy & security options and allows them to make more informed choices whether to have them enabled or not, because a lot of people old and young just accept the defaults unaware that these options exist or are not sure what they mean and what impact they have may have on their privacy or security