Companion add-on for Firefox Relay. Keep your email safe from hackers and trackers. Make an email alias with one click, and keep your address to yourself.
Click the Firefox Relay button in the extension menu
First you see an empty panel with the header row and the big blue button to create a custom mask on the bottom
Then the blue button moves a bit up and a link below the button appears to create a random mask
Then the existing masks and the filter field appears
It takes ~ 2 seconds until everything is there, every time you press the button. This gives the impression of a really bad performance.
Some ideas to consider:
Is there something that could be cached so that it's fast from the second time you open the panel at least?
Is it possible to let the blue button and the link for creating a random mask appear at the same time so that nothing moves? Even if it still takes the same time until everything is there it would improve the perceived performance if less visible steps are involved and no content moves.
It takes ~ 2 seconds until everything is there, every time you press the button. This gives the impression of a really bad performance.
Some ideas to consider:
add-on version: 2.7.0