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Attempting to build for arm32 issue; #2180

Open HybridZach opened 1 month ago

HybridZach commented 1 month ago



When following the guide from

In an attempt to build a custom binary for arm32bit

I have come to a stumbling block.

Steps; As you can see from the attached shell log at first it complained that it could not find the config.toml saying it was looking for instead "Cargo.toml" so I renamed it, but it still could not find it, so I moved it into the cwd, then I got this error.

error: failed to parse manifest at `REDACTED/testing/Cargo.toml`

Caused by:
  this virtual manifest specifies a `target` section, which is not allowed

Could someone please help me.

Attached files; error.txt Cargo.txt

whimboo commented 3 weeks ago

Hm, I don't really know off-hand what such a failure means. I assume that no broken crate will be up on @jgraham do you have an idea?

HybridZach commented 1 week ago

Any updates on this?

jgraham commented 4 days ago

Note that the file is testing/geckodriver/.cargo/config.toml, not Cargo.toml.

The instructions worked as written for me.

HybridZach commented 4 days ago

Note that the file is testing/geckodriver/.cargo/config.toml, not Cargo.toml.

The instructions worked as written for me.

As mentioned. Upon following the instructions using the path and name as follows .cargo/config.toml when running the cargo build command I get the error...

error: could not find "Cargo.toml" in "REDACTED/testing/geckodriver" or any parent directory

So I renamed it, and tried again, as seen in my bash history, then the error complained it was also in the wrong directory so I moved it.

mv .cargo/Cargo.toml ../'

Upon which I got this error.

error: failed to parse manifest at "REDACTED/testing/Cargo.toml"

Caused by: this virtual manifest specifies a "target" section, which is not allowed