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Alter scoring for X-XSS-Protection or remove #254

Open roycewilliams opened 3 years ago

roycewilliams commented 3 years ago

X-XSS-Protection has been deprecated - partially due to the rise of CSP, and partially because it can actually increase vulnerability ("XS-Leak" attacks).


lgarron commented 2 years ago

I came here to file this issue, found it already existed! It seems to me that penalizing X-XSS-Protection: 0 (or just leaving off the header) is pretty out of date as a security recommendation at this point.

ajsimplycast commented 1 year ago

As above - wanted to recognize the difference between the MDN Guidelines and the scoring being applied for an outdated, unsupported header. Agree this should be removed per the requests above.

janbrasna commented 8 months ago

This should be already fixed since — instead of completely removing the tests it now assigns ±0 for all the rules (and -5 only for malformed headers) — if there's still any scoring penalty for you then please report the URL to verify.