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PDF downloading #47

Open santostiago opened 6 years ago

santostiago commented 6 years ago

Hi @kaodro and @cadecairos. In order to put the download pdf links for each of the languages, we need to know where they're hosted. Would you please tell me where that is? Thank you!

cadecairos commented 6 years ago

I've uploaded placeholder PDFs (the v01 report) to the following URLs: Health Report 2018.pdf zur Internetgesundheit 2018.pdf de Salud de Internet 2018.pdf de santé dInternet 2018.pdf

update: Translated filenames - use the URL Encoded links, not the link text displayed above (right click, copy url)

When we have the final reports ready, I'll update the files and invalidate the CDN cache.

cadecairos commented 6 years ago

(will be translating the filenames, hold off on using those links)

kaodro commented 6 years ago

Hi Chris, there will be more files to download. Per language there will be 4:

See screenshot attached (ignore the names adn files types there).

Can you create placeholder links for that?

The files names will likely change - is that a problem?

ShortVersionInternetHealthReport_2018.pdf or .epub FullVersionInternetHealtheport_2018.odt or .epub screen shot 2018-03-16 at 3 59 40 pm

/cc @santostiago @JairusKhan

dhakelila commented 6 years ago

Hi Chris, provide the links that Kasia mentioned as soon as you have them. :) Thanks!!

cadecairos commented 6 years ago

@kaodro did the filenames need to be translated too? or just english for now?

cadecairos commented 6 years ago

@kaodro I don't have any software that can make epub files - do you have one we can use as a placeholder?

cadecairos commented 6 years ago

The files names will likely change - is that a problem?

nope, we can change them at any time.

cadecairos commented 6 years ago

odt links for the report (same filename as before, new extension. The documents are blank right now): Health Report 2018.odt zur Internetgesundheit 2018.odt de Salud de Internet 2018.odt de santé dInternet 2018.odt

kaodro commented 6 years ago

cade, I will give you final names once we have them, probably translated but lets use Short version / Long version for now. @JairusKhan can you help with an epub file?