mozilla / makedrive

[RETIRED] Webmaker Filesystem
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Content Negotiation and paths. #336

Open karlcow opened 10 years ago

karlcow commented 10 years ago

Currently according to route, the content type is hardcoded in the path root. Is there a reason to have chosen that design over an extension? It also makes it a bit more complicated when it comes to map content-negotiation of a server where the server path is /something/blah and blah can be in different formats depending on what the HTTP client is requesting.

alicoding commented 10 years ago

Hi @karlcow

We might not have thought of the way you suggested here for extension over hardcoded content type root path. Initially we want to have a path that will serve files the same way as Unix-like file system where you specify anything of the root server it should just do a simple listing (this is obvious to you I'm sure).

As to content-negotiation I'm sure @humphd will have better answer for this as we never thought of doing that initially, but again what you have suggested here might be something we can implement as I can see the benefit for having this as well.

This might not totally answer your question, but I just want to give you a bit details and maybe @humphd can give you a full/correct answer as to why we have chosen this design.

humphd commented 10 years ago

What we have now with these routes developed out of a need for testing--it isn't final for sure. The /p/ route wants to act like you'd expect a regular httpd to do, and tries to do content negotiation based on extension, see There's more to be done there, for sure.

The /j/ and /z/ routes do some non-standard things (e.g., recursive listing data of directories), so I wanted to separate them out from /p/. Maybe I'm wrong, and doing this via headers from the client is a better solution?

Building out and improving the filer-www stuff needs to happen, so this ticket can serve as a starting point. If you have suggestions, toss them in here. Thanks for filing.

alicoding commented 10 years ago

We will do another triage once we add another milestone, but will push this out of this milestone for now.

gideonthomas commented 9 years ago

@humphd I think allowing the client to set the Accept header (default can be based on file extension) to get json or gzip or whatever format they would like makes sense because I don't really think there is a use case where an end-client would want to manually set that header. I think that only an app that would use makedrive as a backend would want to GET files in different formats and it probably makes more sense to do it via headers.