mozilla / mozilla-club-activity-hack-the-news

INACTIVE - - A Mozilla Club activity called Hack the News
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Localization of into Marathi Language #15

Closed chandrakantd closed 2 years ago

chandrakantd commented 8 years ago

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``` mozilla-club-activity-hack-the-news/ at gh-pages · mozilla/mozilla-club-activity-hack-the-news ``` ``` ``` Skip to content ``` ```
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Image Hive पिट्सबर्ग: पिट्सबर्ग प्रकल्पातील युवक हॅकींग करताना

जागतील गटांनी केलेले रीमीक्स

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soapdog commented 8 years ago


Thanks a lot for your contribution.

Unfortunately we can`t use it as it is because it is not in the correct format for our use. What we need is the translation of the following files:

There is a handy guide explaining the process of translation at:

Thanks again for your help and effort in moving our content into Marathi!