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Design Volunteer Tshirt #208

Closed hannahkane closed 8 years ago

hannahkane commented 9 years ago

This is a special Tshirt, only given to MozFest volunteers. It should be specific to 2015.

Note: Deadline for this is to be at the printers by October 14


Print specs from the supplier:

Last year's shirt for references:

screen shot 2015-09-18 at 8 48 23 am

And the back had "#MozHelp" across the shoulder blades

hannahkane commented 9 years ago

/cc @cassiemc

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Do we have a photo of the actual tshirt from last year? cc @marcwalsh @Saallen

SpikeUK commented 8 years ago

Here is a pic of the t-shirt from 2014 - I have laid the back of one over the front of another mozfest14tshirsml

(sorry they are not ironed ;-) )

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

That's really helpful, even unironed :) Thanks @SpikeUK!

@marcwalsh @Saallen @hannahkane We'll need to know what colours the actual t-shirt is available in, and if there are any colour limitations for the printing (we'll stick to flat, one-color).

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

@cassiemc - This is the link to the product page. There's lots of options but the most popular choices were orange, red and blue.

Also I would stick to one colour prints otherwise it's a lot more expensive.

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

@cassiemc just noticed the change in milestone. The deadline for these to go to the printers is Wednesday 14th October and we won't be able to push much further.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the clarification @marcwalsh – I had the printing deadlines as October 26 in my head, same as the festival guide. Will revert the milestones.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Actually @marcwalsh can you clarify, is the printer deadline just for the tshirts? Perhaps you could take a gander at our deliverables spreadsheet and note the deadline to the printer in column G?

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

mozshirt2 mozshirt1 mozshirt3

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

I think these basic versions are a good start! Wondering if we can push it a bit more. This is the shirt I showed at today's stand – wordpress-shirt

We could pull from the iconography on the Mozfest site (and possibly from to pull off something similar.

SpikeUK commented 8 years ago

Like the CamelCase 'MozHelp' - nicely mirrors 'MozFest'. Love the two-colour printing on all three base colour shown but sadly I think we are constrained to single-colour printing by cost. REALLY love the icon cloud example from @cassiemc :+1:

Saallen commented 8 years ago

:heart: The cloud too- it would v cool with all the icons from the spaces on there.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Yes, like the idea of doing it with the space icons, good idea @Saallen!

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

This is blocked by finalizing the icons. #213

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

some options here untitled-2 untitled-4 untitled-5


SpikeUK commented 8 years ago

Love the randomness of the second option, but like the branding text in the third.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

I'm okay with any of these. Cool @adiladil. @Saallen is there a verdict on the youth icon?

Saallen commented 8 years ago

I love the third one but it would be good to match the tote bag so thinking the third one......oooh its hard though they are all awesome

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@Saallen We are thinking the third option for the tshirt, since it's serving as memorabilia, and the first or second option for the tote bag, for its timelessness / re-usability. :)

Yes we'll need to update the youth icon on this.

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

Here is the update on the shirt with new youth icon mozshirt

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Looks good @adiladil. One thing that just occurred to me – this is two-color. @marcwalsh @Saallen Can you comment on if budget will allow for it?

@adiladil can you do a one-color version as an alt?

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

I noticed last years shirts were two color

here are couple 1 color options

mozshirt2 mozshirt3

SpikeUK commented 8 years ago

Sorry, no, the 2014 volunteer t-shirts were single-colour printed; yellow on blue t-shirt.

If we are limited to one colour (@marcwalsh ?) I would prefer the pink (fuchsia?) printing rather than the white please. (So looking forward to getting these :) )

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

Two colour is fine @cassiemc @adiladiladil - Will need artwork in vector format today to send to printers please! :)

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Excellent, two color it is. @adiladil final artwork?

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

@cassiemc @marcwalsh Here are the final files. 2 options for navy blue t shirts and plain white mozfest-2015-navy-white-shirt mozfest-2015-shirt-white-shirt

Download Link Here:

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Thanks @adiladil!! Let's go with the navy blue option if possible @marcwalsh

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@marcwalsh if you can confirm you have everything you need for this, I'll close this bug :bomb:

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

@cassiemc sounds good. @marcwalsh you have both vector files. you can use the one titled Mozfest 2015 Shirt Navy

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

Thanks! The bag is blue and it's printed straight on, so I don't need a background on it. Thanks @adiladiladil @cassiemc

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@marcwalsh To clarify, this design is for the t-shirt, not the tote bag. Are you able to use the files you have?

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

Sorry @cassiemc , yes! I also need the #MozHelp for the back with the text outlined as a separate file please.

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

@rnewman @cassiemc Here is the link for the artwork for the back of the Shirts (#MozFest)

we can let the printers know whether we want white or MozFest pink

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

I think the white works well as per the earlier two-color tshirt design. @adiladil I think you meant to tag @marcwalsh

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@marcwalsh if all is good here now, good to close?

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

@adiladiladil @cassiemc - Sorry it needs to be #MozHelp not #MozFest, once corrected all good to close!


adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

@cassiemc @marcwalsh Here is the link to the corrected artwork

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

Sorry @adiladiladil could you remove the blue background on the front of the artwork... I'd do it myself but I need to renew my CC subscription. :(

adiladiladil commented 8 years ago

@marcwalsh here is the update

just let the printers know that the print colors will be white and pink. in the AI file the white is black so they can actually see the artwork

marcwalsh-zz commented 8 years ago

Will do thanks @adiladiladil @cassiemc - Let's leave this open until it's confirmed okay with printers

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@marcwalsh Is this confirmed with printers, can we close?

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Assuming this is all good since we're way past the print deadline. Reopen if any issues @marcwalsh!