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CFP Form: Write Call for Proposal Form #863

Closed sabrinang closed 6 years ago

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

This form will be used on

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

Update: We decided to keep the call for proposal form in English only but to include an option in the form to submit a proposal in their language and to indicate the language.

Timeline: May 3 - Draft CFP questions complete May 16 - Space narratives complete May 21 - Form copy and design finalized to hand-off to Mavis

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Making an extension to May 8th for first draft of CFP 🌸

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Draft complete- Please note this is not the final form

Still to be confirmed and would appreciate feedback

Would love feedback so asking @KevZawacki , @caltrider @amirad @kgorr and #amandaleegaffer- please pass along too

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Last day for feedback @KevZawacki @kgorr @amirad and Amanda

@caltrider can you review the top message of the form in particular and let me know what you think

KevZawacki commented 6 years ago

Hi @Saallen, I caught a few small typos. Update text below, with changes bolded:

Anyone may submit a proposal for MozFest 2018. Once you have submitted your session, it will enter an open curation process on Github, and all information you submit here [insertlink later], apart from email and Twitter handle will be seen publicly. We will contact all submissions via Github by default, and email afterwards.


If you would like to submit your session in another language there are ways to do so below. If you have difficulty submitting via texted based form please reach out to us to discuss other accessibility options.

amirad commented 6 years ago

@Saallen Working on revisions here

I specifically edited the top part (cc: @caltrider ) and the travel stipend part. Let me know if there are other parts you wanted me to dig into as well.

caltrider commented 6 years ago

@Saallen Gave it a close read. I think it looks good. A couple of thoughts for consideration.

  1. Is there one short sentence that outlines the goals of a Mozfest session? Something like "The goal of every session at Mozfest is to find ways to make life on the internet better." That could help set the tone for people pitching sessions.

  2. It's mentioned all sessions should be "interactive and inclusive". It might be nice to define very simply what that means. Interactive is a little more obvious, inclusive is one of those words that can get over-used and perhaps lose a bit of meaning. Defining these super simply in a couple words (ie. Interactive = everyone can get involved in the session if they want, inclusive = fun and respectful for everyone who attends) could help set the tone for what you're looking for in sessions.

My thoughts, otherwise, I think it looks good.

amirad commented 6 years ago

Yes and Yes, esp that number 2 that @caltrider suggested

amirad commented 6 years ago

Adding @zee-moz who has some great feedback for the proposal form!

KGorr commented 6 years ago

Added a couple of things via the google doc.

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the great feedback all- I incorporated most of it as seen below. I left the travel stipend piece as we want to be stronger with out language this year.

Welcome to the MozFest 2018 Call for Proposals.

MozFest sessions cover a wide range of topics, but share two important qualities: they are interactive and inclusive. Interactive as you want to be engaging and activating your participants from the beginning, and getting them making and doing, rather than listening and watching. Inclusive by welcoming all ages and disiplines to participate.

Anyone may submit a proposal for MozFest 2018. Once you have submitted your session, it will enter an open curation process on Github, and all information you submit here [insertlink later], apart from email and Twitter handle will be seen publicly. We do encourage collaboration on Github, but it is not mandatory to have an account.

Sessions may have anywhere from 3 to 25 participants, with a vast range of abilities and ages. Everyone at the festival is welcome to attend any and all of the sessions during the event

Before you submit, please make use of the following tools

Proposals are due August 1st. Once our dedicated team of Space Wranglers have had a chance to review each proposal we will contact individuals later in August.

Should you would like to submit your session in another language we have outlined ways for you to do so within this form. If you have difficulty submitting via a texted based form please reach out to us on the email below to discuss other accessibility options.

If you have any questions, please email

amirad commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Saallen - any way we can continue to have stronger language in the stipend part while adjusting the language? Or at least change the line "Do you qualify as such?" to "Do you require a stipend?"

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Hi @amirad this is the intensional ask "do you qualify" as everyone requires/wants a stipend. It becomes really hard for wranglers to ask over 400 submissions (last years response rate to do you require a stipend) if they really need the stipend or can work/personal funds cover.

mmmavis commented 6 years ago

Thanks for providing and consolidating feedback. Form has been implemented and should be ready for QA Monday next week.

Regarding the last todo on this ticket:

decide what labels, milestones, etc we wanna auto-apply to proposals(GitHub tickets) in our 2018 proposal GitHub repo

Here is the list of milestones and labels we decided to auto apply to proposal tickets on GitHub:


(a proposal's primary space choice) (a ticket can only have max of 1 milestone applied)

  1. Decentralization
  2. Digital Inclusion
  3. Openness
  4. Privacy and Security
  5. Web Literacy
  6. Youth Zone
  7. Queering MozFest


(a ticket can have multiple labels)

Session Format

  1. [Format] Learning Forum
  2. [Format] Shed
  3. [Format] Gallery

Secondary Space

  1. [Secondary Space] Decentralization
  2. [Secondary Space] Digital Inclusion
  3. [Secondary Space] Openness
  4. [Secondary Space] Privacy and Security
  5. [Secondary Space] Web Literacy
  6. [Secondary Space] Youth Zone

Localisation related

  1. Localisation support requested
  2. [LANG] Spanish
  3. [LANG] French
  4. [LANG] Italian
  5. [LANG] Hindi
  6. [LANG] Bengali
  7. [LANG] German
  8. [LANG] Russian
  9. [LANG] Greek
  10. [LANG] Portugese
  11. [LANG] Mandarin
  12. [LANG] Other

Stipend related

  1. Stipend requested
mmmavis commented 6 years ago

All todos completed! 🎉