mozilla / multi-account-containers

Firefox Multi-Account Containers lets you keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded tabs that preserve your privacy. Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web with multiple identities or accounts simultaneously.
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[Feature Request] Add containers groups, and goup oppening shortcuts or context menu button. #1048

Open Esdeves opened 6 years ago

Esdeves commented 6 years ago

A must have would be having groups of containers, and the possibility to open a whole group in one go, with shortcuts (by the way, didn't find shortcuts to this point), or new context menu category and button.

Yeah. There are some people with this type of need, linking their stuffs as SQUARE as possible ;)


SoftVision-PaulOiegas commented 6 years ago

Hi @Esdeves and thanks for your report. If you can consider a container to be a group, for example, you create a new container named "Cars". Then all the tabs opened from that container can be hidden and shown as many times as you like trough a functionality already existent in the add-on. See this screen recording of the functionality that I'm describing. Isn't this somehow what you need?

Esdeves commented 6 years ago

Hi ! Nope.

What I call a group would be having besides you "Cars" container, one named "Planes", another "Bicycles", a third "Velociraptors", each four having for example a different mail account kept open on the same provider, and being able to open the four different containers in the same time by clicking on a "Vehicles" group button in the context menu when we click on the mail provider bookmark.

I know in English, I'm sometime confused when I want to explain something a bit technical. Do I make sense right now ? ^^

SoftVision-PaulOiegas commented 6 years ago

Yes you do, but that would be a bit of inception, smaller containers in a bigger container. 😄 However, I see groovecoder (one of the Containers devs) has added some encouraging labels. Will see where this idea goes. Thanks for the details!

Esdeves commented 6 years ago

Ok. I didn't thought of this as bigger containers thought, just configurable shortcuts to open more than one container in one time instead of clicking 3 times minimum/each. I may have misunderstood the feature.