The of the analyses folder gives the false idea of installing both Anaconda and Spark in Step 2 (alteast I found so). One can proceed without installing Spark (correct me if I am wrong) by using conda or vice versa.
In the Gitter chat I noticed most people get struck on the environment import error in the analyses folder(Issue #70 ) which makes it a frequently raised issue . So a good thing will be to document it in the so that new contributors don't get stuck on the same issue previously been resolved for another contributor.
The of the analyses folder gives the false idea of installing both Anaconda and Spark in Step 2 (alteast I found so). One can proceed without installing Spark (correct me if I am wrong) by using conda or vice versa. In the Gitter chat I noticed most people get struck on the environment import error in the analyses folder(Issue #70 ) which makes it a frequently raised issue . So a good thing will be to document it in the so that new contributors don't get stuck on the same issue previously been resolved for another contributor.