mozilla / page-metadata-parser

DEPRECATED - A Javascript library for parsing metadata on a web page.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
270 stars 42 forks source link

Optimise webpack bundle #72

Closed pdehaan closed 7 years ago

pdehaan commented 7 years ago


This isn't ideal since it doesn't do any compressing. Richard suggested using:

$ webpack --optimize-minimize --optimize-dedupe

But when I run it here it throws some errors I have to dig into...

$ npm run clientize

> page-metadata-parser@0.4.1 clientize /Users/pdehaan/dev/github/mozilla/page-metadata-parser
> webpack

[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "/Users/pdehaan/dev/github/mozilla/page-metadata-parser/node_modules/wu/dist/wu.js" as it exceeds the max of "100KB".
Hash: fb2fc43f052c74004a87
Version: webpack 1.13.2
Time: 7381ms
                         Asset    Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
page-metadata-parser.bundle.js  490 kB       0  [emitted]  main
   [0] multi main 40 bytes {0} [built]
    + 308 hidden modules
jaredlockhart commented 7 years ago

Handled by #74