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Information on when a bug was closed #203

Closed edin-ogtal closed 5 years ago

edin-ogtal commented 5 years ago

Hi @sanacl and @alpgarcia I am currently working with the bugzilla index. I would like to determine how much time passed between the creation of a bug and the time a bug is "closed" (changed state to Resolved, Verified etc.).

I initially assumed that the "timeopen_days" field contained this information, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Is there any straight forward way to determine how long a bug was open for?

hmitsch commented 5 years ago

Hi @edin-ogtal,

the question you ask for is probably answered in the Kibabana UI:


Are you aware of this? Not sure if this is helpful. Sorry if I missed the point in your question.

Best regards, Henrik

alpgarcia commented 5 years ago

Looking at the data it seems you are right, that field is not correctly calculated for closed issues. Looking at the code it seems I'll open a bug about this [1].

You could use time_to_last_update_days that stores the bugzilla field last_change_time or directly calculate the time using changeddate_date and grimoire_creation_date:

Of course you need to filter in closed bugs only. It may happen that some bug could have some activity after being closed. I'd say that is not the usual pattern, but don't have any numbers to confirm this.

For having more precise info you'd need to rely on the RAW index (see Unfortunately we don't propagate the field cf_last_resolved, that should be at the top level of the data object too (no need to dive in the history of events as in the comment referenced above).

GET bugzilla-raw/_search?q=data.resolution:"FIXED"

        "_source": {
          "backend_name": "BugzillaREST",
          "origin": "",
          "uuid": "a786dd92ee7574ccc65fad7a8b383845dd07b4d0",
          "ocean-unique-id": "1339571_",
          "metadata__timestamp": "2017-02-15T03:50:03.120651+00:00",
          "timestamp": 1487130603.120651,
          "updated_on": 1487119504,
          "metadata__updated_on": "2017-02-15T00:45:04+00:00",
          "perceval_version": "0.4.2.dev0",
          "tag": "",
          "backend_version": "0.5.0",
          "category": "bug",
          "data": {
            "attachments": [],
            "cf_qa_whiteboard": "",

            "resolution": "FIXED",    <---------

            "product": "Infrastructure & Operations",
            "assigned_to_detail": {
              "name": "infra@infra-ops.bugs",
              "id": 472678,
              "email": "infra@infra-ops.bugs",
              "real_name": ""
            "summary": "AUK - Videomonitoring1 - not working",
            "classification": "Other",
            "cc": [
            "target_milestone": "---",
            "creator_detail": {
              "name": "",
              "id": 581995,
              "email": "",
              "real_name": "Tyler Henderson"

            "cf_last_resolved": "2017-02-15T00:45:04Z",  <-------

            "creator": "",

            "is_open": false,   <------ this one may be interesting too


cf_last_resolved is a custom field, that's why we don't have it in the enriched index. As long as you are using only Mozilla's data, you can rely on it to compute the time you need.

Best, Alberto.


alpgarcia commented 5 years ago

FYI, bug reported:

edin-ogtal commented 5 years ago

@hmitsch and @alpgarcia Thanks for the quick reply. I'll give it a try with time_to_last_update_days - the method you describe should work for ~70 % of all bugs.

havardl commented 5 years ago

Might be ready next week according to this:

For now, we continue working with @edin-ogtal workaround.

canasdiaz commented 5 years ago

Hi @havardl, we have the software ready to generate a new index for bugzilla to allow you to identify when the bug was closed. According to last time we did it, it will need 1 or 2 nights (taking into account the software only runs from 6PM to 6AM CEST).

So, it is totally up to you. Do you want us to generate the index or you are ok with the workaround you are using?

CC @havardl @edin-ogtal

havardl commented 5 years ago

Hey @sanacl, thanks for following up on this. It would be great if you could re-generate the index. Also, we are currently not working on the instance, so you can run it for 24/7 to speed up things.

canasdiaz commented 5 years ago

Hi @havardl @edin-ogtal , we have the new enriched index for bugzilla (index alias bugzilla, index name bugzillarest_mozilla_180411_enriched_190507).

Some comments about the data:

Let us know whether the information is clear and you need us to help you anyhow.

canasdiaz commented 5 years ago

Hi all, I'm moving this to Done and closing. If you miss anything please re-open and mention us.

CC @edin-ogtal @havardl @hmitsch