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Structure tree doesn't retain Colspan and Rowspan #18090

Open siddhesh8k opened 1 month ago

siddhesh8k commented 1 month ago
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Steps to reproduce the problem: 1) Open the attached pdf file in pdfjs viewer and observe the structure tree. image In above image, the pdf file has tagged table with colspan as 2.

2)Issue:- image In above image, we can see in pdfjs viewer structure tree does not maintain the colspan.

What is the expected behavior? (add screenshot) So can be there any provision by which we can retain the colspan or row span. Please provide solution on this table.pdf

What went wrong? (add screenshot) Structure Tree doesn't provide colSpan and rowSpan. Please provide solution on this Link to a viewer (if hosted on a site other than or as Firefox/Chrome extension):

Originally posted by @siddhesh8k in

siddhesh8k commented 1 month ago

@timvandermeij hi can be this resolved by adding a attribute for rowspan and colspan. Please let me know, what can we do to fix this.

rahulm2210 commented 1 month ago

I also get the same issue and need the solution for this asap. Thanks in advance

timvandermeij commented 1 month ago

Please refrain from bumping this issue or pinging people. The issue is logged, and there is no timeline for when this will be picked up. Keep in mind that this is an open-source project where contributions are also made by unpaid volunteers, so you cannot request a resolution like you would for a paid support service. If you would like to have a faster resolution please contribute a patch.

ArmaandeepSingh commented 3 days ago

Hi @siddhesh8k, Can you share the pdf link and the configuration of the browser etc ? So that I can debug this on my end