mozilla / persona-roadmap

A repository for user stories related to Mozilla's Identity efforts.
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As a UX designer, I want new user funnel visualizations, so that I know if users are making it through the dialog and successfully signing in/up #1

Open kparlante opened 11 years ago

kparlante commented 11 years ago

As a UX designer, I want to know if new users are making it through the dialog and successfully signing in/up, so that I know if the UX is successful and where changes need to be made.

r0bl0rd commented 10 years ago

Love this story. :)

@kparlante Mind if I refine to "As Id Services team, I want funnel/cohort analysis/visualization of IdPs and RPs through the discovery, understanding, championing and deployment stages of adoption so that I know quantitatively where conversion is/needs improving." ?

kparlante commented 10 years ago

@r0bl0rd : I think #1 and #2 are actually two separate stories, with two different "users". The refinement you gave is really a refinement of #2 -- looking at RPs and IdPs. This story is about end users making it through the persona dialog -- information that is specifically interesting/compelling to the UX team. So go for it -- edit #2.