mozilla / persona-roadmap

A repository for user stories related to Mozilla's Identity efforts.
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As an IdP developer, I want developing and debugging an IdP to be much easier so that I can develop and deploy an IdP without guessing where problems in my implementation lie. #24

Open shane-tomlinson opened 11 years ago

callahad commented 11 years ago

Would love to learn more about any specific pain points you'd like to see addressed.

r0bl0rd commented 11 years ago

@shane-tomlinson Benefit? Priority? Specificity needed too.

shane-tomlinson commented 11 years ago

Problem is that it is extremely difficult to figure out where problems lie when developing an IdP. Because of this, I developed that acts as a basic IdP linter.

Developing an IdP is a serious commitment and should not be taken lightly, at the same time, it is currently very difficult to get right if you do not already have previous experience. I'd like to make this easier.

Benefit is more IdPs since implementation becomes more straight forward.