mozilla / persona-roadmap

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As a web developer, I want to be able to request a redirect flow instead of a popup so that I better integrate Persona into my site's user experience. #59

Open callahad opened 10 years ago

callahad commented 10 years ago

As initially reported in mozilla/browserid/issues/3907, already does login in a popup. If they add Persona, we would pop up out of their popup. That's maybe a little too much pop, and definitely an excessive amount of us.

The original report from @aravindet:

My application (Scrollback) is an IRC widget embedded on third party sites, and I'd like to open a popup to sign users in; if I use Persona there would now be two popups.

As an analogy, imagine if Gmail or Yahoo decided that their OAuth sign in pages wouldn’t support a redirect flow - the Persona identity bridges would have to spawn additional popups, and the experience would be terrible.

We're currently working around this issue by opening our login screen in an iframe on the third-party sites; this still results in three layers showing up: The host site, the scrollback login iframe, and the persona popup. You can see this happen on (which uses Scrollback).

Food for thought, if we accept this feature request: