mozilla / persona-roadmap

A repository for user stories related to Mozilla's Identity efforts.
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Finalize the data formats #65

Open callahad opened 10 years ago

callahad commented 10 years ago


BrowserID's data formats should align with the specifications from the IETF's JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and Web Authorization Protocol (oauth) Working Groups to minimize fragmentation and foster interoperability with future tools and libraries.


fmarier commented 10 years ago

As part of this work, we should specify the email address format we use and make sure we check it everywhere. This has security implications.

djc commented 10 years ago

Is there value in making a very explicit list of things that change? That seems to not be mentioned here, yet.

Since some of the changes in the JWS area are quite subtle, this would make a useful resource.