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Petitions for Mozilla Advocacy
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German data retention campaign #3

Open shaghdoosti opened 8 years ago

shaghdoosti commented 8 years ago


@valianttry @alicoding @secretrobotron @ScottDowne - Here is the current time line for the data retention campaign:

Monday 14th:

Finalize process and needs for translation. - Done.

Tuesday 15th COB:

Have optin language finalized from legal team.

Wednesday 16th COB:

Finalize strategy after talking to the German partners.

Finalize the copy in English

Thursday 17th COB

Petition text Translated by contractor.

Friday 18th -

Petition text looked over by Sebastian from L10N

Tuesday 22nd:

Alex looks over the text and confirms that it’s consistent Final text sent to Scott who can then deploy the petition.

Thursday 24th - Launch

shaghdoosti commented 8 years ago

Here is the current draft text - please keep in mind this text won't be approved until COB Wednesday.

shaghdoosti commented 8 years ago

Create one or more share graphics specifically for the German advocacy campaign. These will be for donors to share on their own channels, not for Moz to use on its official Twitter and FB.

Themes for these shares could include: user control and Mozilla is non-corporate. Careful not to make the imagery look related to the current refugee crisis.

This is a nice-to-have for the advocacy campaign, not a P1.

cc @valianttry @secretrobotron @edrushka

Here is the sample tweeter/facebook share:

Don’t think the government should be able to trace your online posts? Take action @EU_Commission

@EU_Commission plz don’t let the government trace my online posts Act: