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taskcluster improvements #121

Closed mykmelez closed 7 years ago

mykmelez commented 7 years ago

This does a variety of things, in particular:

We should eventually disable auto git gc in the Docker image, but this'll do for now.

We should probably squash this branch, since it has a bunch of small changes that aren't particularly interesting of themselves.

mykmelez commented 7 years ago


This is not actually testing the commit it says it's testing, because TaskCluster has decided to use the original .taskcluster.yml file, not the one from the commit, for some reason. Even stranger, it actually triggered two task graph runs, the one in the TaskClusterRobot comment and this one in the status "dot" link (and Details link): (both of which are using the original .taskcluster.yml file).

I filed on the TaskCluster strangeness. In the meantime, I think this is safe to merge, since the task graph run on the second-to-last commit looked like it was going to succeed, if only it didn't time out: , and the last commit just increases the timeout from 2 hours to 3 hours.