mozilla / qbrt

CLI to a Gecko desktop app runtime
Apache License 2.0
390 stars 31 forks source link room #151

Open Happy-Ferret opened 6 years ago

Happy-Ferret commented 6 years ago

Just an idea, but how about setting up a Gitter room for qbrt? IMHO, this could really push development forward and increase developer engagement.

The same goes for a lot of Mozilla projects.

I think aside of @Noitidart I've never spoken to a single Mozillian on there.

As much as I enjoyed past conversations with some of you guys over Bugzilla, Gmail and/or Google Hangouts, it's not very practical and always feels a bit insular.

Compare that to the experience working on open source projects initiated by Facebook, Github, Google, Intel or Microsoft.

Noitidart commented 6 years ago
Happy-Ferret commented 6 years ago


Just thought I'd mention you as the one exemplary example (redundancy?) of a Mozillian I don't have to send a carrier pigeon after, every time I want to discuss a piece of code (or even just the weather). 😄

Although I was thinking of you earlier today. For two separate reasons:

  1. The js ctypes code for controlling gamma under Windows you helped me with has become a constant companion. At work, where I'm constrained to a crusty old Windows 8.1 machine, it's the only comfortable way I could implement Night Mode without ever leaving the comforts of the browser or the xpcshell. Thanks for the help!

  2. I thought about how qbrt could establish its own variant of an ABI stable "N-API" and how your knowledge (and code) might help with it.

Noitidart commented 6 years ago

Thanks!!! <3 :)

mykmelez commented 6 years ago

Gitter doesn't currently have access to the "mozilla" GitHub organization. I've emailed Mozilla's github-owners list (of which I'm a member) about it, and it's possible we'll grant access to Gitter. Otherwise, I could create a chat room that isn't linked to the repo, or I could move the repo to another organization that does grant Gitter access. Stay tuned.