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Firefox OS Simulator is a test environment for Firefox OS. Use it to test your apps in a Firefox OS-like environment that looks and feels like a mobile phone.
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Touch emulation possibly broken (leaflet.js issue) #808

Open geomaster opened 11 years ago

geomaster commented 11 years ago


With the latest stable release of Firefox OS Simulator, and also with a freshly-downloaded preview release for Windows, leaflet.js, a very popular Javascript library for rendering interactive maps (strongly focusing on mobile use) has severe touch interaction issues with the Simulator. Namely, tapping markers and other overlays in order to open a popup rarely works fine: the map focuses on the marker or displays a popup for a split second and then hides it again. Special care has to be taken and the marker has (for some reason) to be clicked in its upper part in order for the popup to open. It is very hard to debug this issue as I cannot attach a DOM inspector to a Simulator instance. In Firefox (with no touch events) everything works fine, and also on mobile browsers utilizing touch events (on Android, iOS, etc.), so I strongly suspect this is a Simulator-related problem. If it has, however, a deeper (Gecko-related maybe?) cause then Leaflet itself has a problem, but I am unable to determine if this is the case.

Affected configurations

Reproducible on Firefox OS Simulator 4.0 and also on the latest preview versions. Tested with both Firefox Aurora 25.0a2 (2013-08-20) and Firefox Nightly 26.0a1 (2013-08-17). Spotted on Microsoft Windows 7 x86-64 but I have also reproduced it on an up-to-date Arch Linux with KDE.


Steps to reproduce: open Firefox OS Simulator and open the Browser app. Inside the browser, navigate to and try clicking on any of the features on the map (circles or polylines).

Intended behavior: after clicking (emulated tapping) the features, popups should open with example text.

Real behavior: the map view focuses as if the popups were open but nothing appears. Only after a little not-so-straightforward clicking effort (double-clicking seems to sometimes solve the issue) a popup will open.