mozilla / r2d2b2g

Firefox OS Simulator is a test environment for Firefox OS. Use it to test your apps in a Firefox OS-like environment that looks and feels like a mobile phone.
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UA override default should be set to False on Firefox OS simulator #885

Open karlcow opened 10 years ago

karlcow commented 10 years ago

Today in Web Compatibility Team, we had a strange bug: has a UA override and the simulator shows the desktop site. has a UA override and the simulator shows the mobile site.

That said after discussion, in between, we thought that UA override should be set to false on the simulator and not active at all for any domains.


Firefox OS simulator is a tool for developers to be able to test their site. UA override is a mechanism for the user experience to fix Web sites sending the wrong content and/or domain name to the device.

When we are contacting Web sites, most of the time, the developer will not have a device at hand. A good way for them to test the Web site is to install Firefox OS simulator. If the UA override is activated, the developer will not see that they send the desktop site to users. It will be harder to convince them that they need to fix it.