mozilla / readability

A standalone version of the readability lib
8.62k stars 588 forks source link's article not found #474

Open lazharichir opened 6 years ago

lazharichir commented 6 years ago

This url does not succeed. Instead, the content returned by Readability is an SVG tag.

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" style="display: none;">...</svg>

msujaws commented 6 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce this. When I use Reader Mode on that page I get the full article. Is there a specific part of the page that is not visible in Reader Mode or are you seeing nothing at all? @lazharichir

lazharichir commented 6 years ago

@msujaws I am using it with NodeJS and JSDOM.

The code used to replicate:

"use strict"

const DOC_URL = ``

const URL = require('url')
const axios = require('axios')
const Readability = require('readability')
const { JSDOM, VirtualConsole } = require('jsdom')
const vc = new VirtualConsole()

global.Node = {
    TEXT_NODE: 3

let payload = { changes: {} }


    .then(response => {
        payload.raw =
        return payload

    .then(() => {

        // DOM
        payload.dom = new JSDOM(payload.raw, { virtualConsole: vc, url: DOC_URL })
        const doc = payload.dom.window.document
        Node = payload.dom.window.Node

        // URI
        const loc = payload.dom.window.document.location

        const uri = {
            spec: loc.href,
            prePath: loc.protocol + "//" +,
            scheme: loc.protocol.substr(0, loc.protocol.indexOf(":")),
            pathBase: loc.protocol + "//" + + loc.pathname.substr(0, loc.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)

        // Readability
        const reader = new Readability(uri, doc)
        payload.readability = reader.parse()

        console.log(`> Readability done`)

        return payload

    .then(() => console.log(payload.readability.title))
    .then(() => console.log(payload.readability.byline))
    .then(() => console.log(payload.readability.content))
    .then(() => console.log(payload.readability.textContent.split(' ').length))

    .catch(err => console.error(err))

The console output:

  > Readability done
  Republicans and Democrats should never forget what Paul Ryan said about the poor.
  <div id="readability-page-1" class="page">

  <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" style="display: none;">

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      <div id="upworthy-web-app-wrapper">





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gijsk commented 6 years ago

Can you post the output specifically from readability when you construct an instance with {debug: true} passed in the options? That is, replace:

        const reader = new Readability(uri, doc)


        const reader = new Readability(doc, {debug: true});

(Note that if you're using readability tip, you no longer need to pass a URL to it - it'll use the document URL.)

and post the log output that generates?

lazharichir commented 6 years ago

@gijsk sure, here it is below:

Reader: (Readability)  { '0': '**** grabArticle ****' }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Removing unlikely candidate - social-bar mtx25 mobile--mt clearfix ' }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Removing hidden node -  parsely-root' }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:',
   SVGSVGElement {
     [Symbol(SameObject caches)]: 
      { className: SVGAnimatedString {},
        style: [CSSStyleDeclaration] } } }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:',
   HTMLDivElement {
     [Symbol(SameObject caches)]: 
      { style: [CSSStyleDeclaration],
        children: [HTMLCollection],
        childNodes: [NodeList] } } }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Comment {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Moving child out:', '1': Text {} }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Looking at sibling node:',
  '1': HTMLDivElement { readability: { contentScore: 5 } },
  '2': 'with score 5' }
Reader: (Readability)  { '0': 'Sibling has score', '1': 5 }
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Republicans and Democrats should never forget what Paul Ryan said about the poor.
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danburzo commented 5 years ago

@lazharichir please note that the npm package readability does not correspond to this repository.

lazharichir commented 5 years ago

Yep I know, I use the @mozilla/readability so it fetches this repo.

danburzo commented 5 years ago

Sorry, just checking! :-) Because I made this confusion a few minutes ago.