var myXml = <root><someelement></someelement></root>
In our test environment we got multiple thread with the following stack-trace:
"pool-62-thread-59" - Thread t@174
java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XmlProcessor.getDocumentBuilderFromPool(
- waiting to lock <71a4d2e4> (a org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XmlProcessor) owned by "pool-62-thread-19" t@134
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XmlProcessor.toXml(
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XmlNode.createElement(
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XMLLibImpl.parse(
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XMLLibImpl.ecmaToXml(
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XMLObjectImpl.ecmaToXml(
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XML.jsConstructor(
at org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XMLObjectImpl.execIdCall(
at org.mozilla.javascript.BaseFunction.construct(
at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.newObject(
at <truncated due to irrelevancy>
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Locked ownable synchronizers:
- locked <6a3fc851> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync)
Which caused the CPU to be under-utilized at 33%.
Since there's no way of knowing exactly how Rhino will be used I suggest letting the developer configure the size of this pool (or providing other methods to control this bottleneck).
Using Rhino in a high concurrency situation with JavaScript that contains XML markup (I believe it's called E4X, or ECMAScript) seems to be affected by a hard-coded resource pool due to
Sample E4X Script:
In our test environment we got multiple thread with the following stack-trace:
Which caused the CPU to be under-utilized at 33%.
Since there's no way of knowing exactly how Rhino will be used I suggest letting the developer configure the size of this pool (or providing other methods to control this bottleneck).