mozilla / rust-android-gradle

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Was Android Studio intellisense supposed to work? #103

Open lattice0 opened 2 years ago

lattice0 commented 2 years ago

Was it supposed to work? Or do I need to do something more?

Can I help getting this working, maybe with a PR? Or is it too much work?

ncalexan commented 2 years ago

When I was actively working on such things, Android Studio had no support for Rust. I think there was a Jetbrains plugin for Rust, and per, I see that you can add the Rust plugin to Android Studio. If you do this, you'll just need to arrange for the Rust sources to be in your Gradle project somehow. Google is investing heavily into Rust for Android, so perhaps there is first-class support for this that I'm not aware of? Or perhaps there will be shortly?

If you can do some research into the state of the art, we can try to make rust-android-gradle have a helpful configuration out of the box. This will probably just mean including some or all Rust paths in the Gradle project.