mozilla / ssl-config-generator

Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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RFE: recommend server preference for cipher choice #96

Closed gstrauss closed 4 years ago

gstrauss commented 4 years ago

Configurations should specify the cipher preferences of server should be honored. This is a requirement for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) and has been for many, many years.

I see in the configurator template code for Apache, lighttpd, and nginx (and I presume the rest, too) {{#if output.serverPreferredOrder}} but I did not see an option in the GUI to enable serverPreferredOrder, so the setting that is recommended by the configurator is the 'false' case, which is the opposite of what should be recommended.

I would go as far as to suggest that this should not be an option at all, but that server preference for cipher choice should always be recommended by the Mozilla ssl-config-generator.

If there is agreement, I'll put together a pull request which updates the templates. Thanks.

What is Perfect Forward Secrecy? A Guide for 2020

Enabling Perfect Forward Secrecy

Implementing SSL Perfect Forward Secrecy in NGINX Web-Server

gstrauss commented 4 years ago

Hmmm. It appears that serverPreferredOrder is set to true for "Old", but for some reason was changed to to be false for "Intermediate" and "Modern". This appears to be a bug.

gstrauss commented 4 years ago

In docs/guidelines/latest.json (and docs/guidelines/5.4.json and src/static/guidelines/5.4.json): "server_preferred_order": false, should be "server_preferred_order": true, for all all configurations: "old", "intermediate", and "modern"

tomato42 commented 4 years ago

it's not a bug, the only ciphersuites left in intermediate and modern are PFS ciphersuites, so there's no need to force server order, any cipher selected will be a secure one

and by not doing that, the server picks the cipher the client prefers the most, usually the fastest one (matters most for mobile where Cacha20 can be few times faster than AES-GCM)

gstrauss commented 4 years ago

Thanks @tomato42 . That is useful info. Can this be documented in a comment in the generated configs?

jrchamp commented 4 years ago

It looks like most of the decisions are documented on the website. From the Modern and Intermediate "Rationale" section on

The cipher suites are all strong and so we allow the client to choose, as they will know best if they have support for hardware-accelerated AES.

I'm not against adding it to the generated configs, but what separates rationale that should be documented in the configuration and not? Maybe instead, one comment that refers back to the rationale document's home? At least that way, it largely stays up to date.

gstrauss commented 4 years ago

Thank you @jrchamp. On that page, I see for Intermediate and Modern configurations:

    All cipher suites are forward secret and authenticated
    The cipher suites are all strong and so we allow the client to choose, as they will
    know best if they have support for hardware-accelerated AES

GIven that, I would like to modify my request:

If someone goes to there is no indication that "Server Side TLS guidelines" is directly relevant to the contents of the main body of the page. "Server Side TLS guidelines" is linked in the footer of the page under "Resources", below other generic links.

april commented 4 years ago

Configuration files are not the place for rationales. I totally get not immediately understanding why a decision was made, but adding comments like this would balloon config files and most people would not want them.