mozilla / testpilot

Test Pilot is a platform for performing controlled tests of new product concepts in Firefox
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Add a console easter egg #1787

Closed johngruen closed 7 years ago

johngruen commented 7 years ago

Similar to Firefox Accounts

screen shot 2016-11-08 at 6 58 32 pm

Probably blocked by: #1452

pdehaan commented 7 years ago

Please no. Or if we do add this, can we find a way to make it dump to browser console only so it isn't spamming my main console?

johngruen commented 7 years ago

@pdehaan :(

chuckharmston commented 7 years ago

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I couldn't come up with any clever puns on gruen, so I put your name next to a monkey.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Pull requests welcome, but this doesn't need to stay open. /sheds tear for whimsy