mozilla / testpilot

Test Pilot is a platform for performing controlled tests of new product concepts in Firefox
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Audit use of hard-coded production URLs #2691

Open pdehaan opened 7 years ago

pdehaan commented 7 years ago

Ref #2684

Currently we have a few places that use hardcoded production URLs, which means that we (QA) cannot always reliably verify stuff until it's already landed on production. Obviously waiting until something is deployed to production isn't always the best. Not sure if we can tweak any of these to point to the current environment, so we can test sharing and <meta> tags on dev/stage.

Most probably don't matter much (such as the xpi_url links, or package.json homepage, updateURL, or updateLink — but I'm not sure about the rest:

$ git grep "" | grep -v "docs/"
addon/package.json "homepage": "",
addon/package.json "updateURL": "",
addon/package.json "updateLink": "",
addon/tools/control-panel/templates.js xpi_url: '',
content-src/experiments/activity-stream.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/cliqz.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/containers.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/dev-example.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/min-vid.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/no-more-404s.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/notes.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/page-shot.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/pulse.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/snooze-tabs.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/tab-center.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/tracking-protection.yaml xpi_url: ''
content-src/experiments/voice-fill.yaml xpi_url: ''
frontend/config.js PRODUCTION_EXPERIMENTS_URL: '',
frontend/src/app/containers/SharePage.js const url = `${medium}&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share-page`;
frontend/src/app/lib/utils.js const sourceUrl = source \|\| '';
frontend/tasks/content.js favicon: '',
frontend/tasks/content.js rss: '',
frontend/tasks/content.js atom: '',
frontend/tasks/content.js json: ''
frontend/tasks/content.js = `${experimentSlug}/#${slug}`;
frontend/tasks/content.js = `${slug}`;
frontend/tasks/pages.js <link rel="canonical" href={ `${canonical_path}` } />
groundcontrol/package.json "homepage": "",
header-proxy/nginx.conf proxy_pass;
chuckharmston commented 6 years ago

@SoftVision-PaulOiegas is this a problem you ever face anymore? Can we close this?