mozilla / testpilot

Test Pilot is a platform for performing controlled tests of new product concepts in Firefox
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review dependencies #3771

Closed clouserw closed 6 years ago

clouserw commented 6 years ago

We have a lot of them!

pdehaan commented 6 years ago

Here's the always mildly-suspicious output from depcheck:

➜  testpilot git:(master) $ git rev-parse --short HEAD # a8682f5b

➜  testpilot git:(master) $ npx depcheck@latest

Unused dependencies
* domready
* legal-docs

Unused devDependencies
* autoprefixer
* babel-eslint
* babel-register
* cross-spawn
* cssnano
* empty
* eslint-config-react
* eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
* flow-typed
* gulp-cache
* gulp-if
* gulp-multi-dest
* gulp-rename
* gulp-uglify
* merge-stream
* mocha-junit-reporter
* node-normalize-scss
* photon-colors
* react-addons-test-utils
* react-test-renderer
* require-globify
* url-loader
* vinyl-source-stream

Missing dependencies
* eslint-config-plugin:import
* eslint-config-plugin:flowtype
* eslint-config-plugin:react
* eslint-config-plugin:mozilla
* @storybook/addon-links
* globby
* l20n
* redux-actions
* isomorphic-fetch
* react-router-redux
* history
* redux-logger
* redux-thunk
* fbjs
* object-assign
* _process
* select
* lodash.isplainobject
* delegate
* warning
* invariant
* deep-equal
* query-string
* lodash._basefor
* lodash.isarguments
* lodash.keysin
* lodash.isarray
* strict-uri-encode
* json-stringify-safe
* lodash
* hoist-non-react-statics
* reduce-reducers
* deep-diff
* symbol-observable
* tiny-emitter
* good-listener
* flux-standard-action
meandavejustice commented 6 years ago

Here is output for npm outdated:

meandave@LAPTOP-NA0Q0G86:/mnt/c/Users/Dave Justice/Code/testpilot$ npm outdated
Package                             Current         Wanted   Latest  Location
@storybook/addon-actions      3.4.0-alpha.1  3.4.0-alpha.1   3.4.10  testpilot
@storybook/addon-knobs        3.4.0-alpha.1  3.4.0-alpha.1   3.4.10  testpilot
@storybook/react              3.4.0-alpha.1  3.4.0-alpha.1   3.4.10  testpilot
autoprefixer                          8.1.0          8.6.5    9.1.0  testpilot
babel-core                           6.26.0         6.26.0   6.26.3  testpilot
babel-eslint                          8.2.1          8.2.1    8.2.6  testpilot
babel-loader                          7.1.2          7.1.2    7.1.5  testpilot
babel-plugin-istanbul                 4.1.5          4.1.5    4.1.6  testpilot
classnames                            2.2.5          2.2.5    2.2.6  testpilot
cldr-core                            32.0.0         32.0.0   33.0.0  testpilot
clipboard                             1.7.1          1.7.1    2.0.1  testpilot
copy-webpack-plugin                   4.5.1          4.5.2    4.5.2  testpilot
cross-env                             5.1.3          5.1.3    5.2.0  testpilot
cross-spawn                           5.1.0          5.1.0    6.0.5  testpilot
cssnano                              3.10.0         3.10.0    4.0.5  testpilot
doctoc                                1.3.0          1.3.0    1.3.1  testpilot
es6-promise                           4.2.2          4.2.2    4.2.4  testpilot
eslint                               4.15.0         4.15.0    5.3.0  testpilot
eslint-plugin-flowtype               2.30.0         2.30.0   2.50.0  testpilot
eslint-plugin-import                  2.8.0          2.8.0   2.13.0  testpilot
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y                6.0.3          6.0.3    6.1.1  testpilot
eslint-plugin-mozilla                 0.5.0          0.5.0   0.15.0  testpilot
eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized          2.0.2          2.0.2    3.0.2  testpilot
eslint-plugin-react                   7.5.1          7.5.1   7.10.0  testpilot
express                              4.16.2         4.16.3   4.16.3  testpilot
feed                                  1.1.1          1.1.1    2.0.1  testpilot
fetch-mock                     6.0.0-beta.7   6.0.0-beta.7    6.5.2  testpilot
flow-bin                             0.47.0         0.47.0   0.78.0  testpilot
flow-coverage-report                  0.4.0          0.4.0    0.5.0  testpilot
flow-typed                            2.2.3          2.2.3    2.5.1  testpilot
fluent                                0.4.3          0.4.3    0.7.0  testpilot
fluent-react                          0.4.1          0.4.1    0.7.0  testpilot
gulp-multi-dest                       0.0.4          0.0.4    1.3.7  testpilot
gulp-rename                           1.2.2          1.2.2    1.4.0  testpilot
gulp-rev-all                          0.9.7          0.9.7    1.0.0  testpilot
gulp-uglify                           3.0.0          3.0.0    3.0.1  testpilot
html-react-parser                     0.4.1          0.4.1    0.4.6  testpilot
image-webpack-loader                  3.4.2          3.4.2    4.3.1  testpilot
jsdom                                11.5.1         11.5.1  11.12.0  testpilot
legal-docs                            1.0.0            git      git  testpilot
libphonenumber-js                    1.2.15          1.4.2    1.4.2  testpilot
mocha                                 4.1.0          4.1.0    5.2.0  testpilot
mocha-junit-reporter                 1.15.0         1.15.0   1.17.0  testpilot
moment                               2.20.1         2.20.1   2.22.2  testpilot
node-normalize-scss                   3.0.0          3.0.0    8.0.0  testpilot
node-sass                             4.7.2          4.7.2    4.9.2  testpilot
npm-run-all                           4.1.2          4.1.3    4.1.3  testpilot
nyc                                  11.4.1         11.4.1   12.0.2  testpilot
onchange                              3.3.0          3.3.0    4.1.0  testpilot
photon-colors                         1.3.1          1.3.1    3.3.1  testpilot
postcss-loader                        2.1.1          2.1.6    2.1.6  testpilot
raven-js                             3.21.0         3.21.0   3.26.4  testpilot
react                                16.2.0         16.2.0   16.4.2  testpilot
react-dom                            16.2.0         16.2.0   16.4.2  testpilot
react-markdown                        3.1.4          3.1.4    3.4.1  testpilot
react-redux                           5.0.6          5.0.6    5.0.7  testpilot
react-router                          4.2.0          4.3.1    4.3.1  testpilot
react-router-dom                      4.2.2          4.3.1    4.3.1  testpilot
react-test-renderer                  16.2.0         16.2.0   16.4.2  testpilot
redux                                 3.7.2          3.7.2    4.0.0  testpilot
redux-promise                         0.5.3          0.5.3    0.6.0  testpilot
sass-loader                           6.0.6          6.0.6    7.1.0  testpilot
sinon                                 4.1.4          4.1.4    6.1.4  testpilot
uglifyjs-webpack-plugin               1.1.6          1.1.6    1.2.7  testpilot
url-loader                            0.6.2          0.6.2    1.0.1  testpilot
webpack                              3.10.0         3.10.0   4.16.5  testpilot
webpack-bundle-analyzer               2.9.2          2.9.2   2.13.1  testpilot
webpack-dev-server                   2.10.1         2.11.2    3.1.5  testpilot
whatwg-fetch                          2.0.3          2.0.3    2.0.4  testpilot
write-file-webpack-plugin             4.2.0          4.3.2    4.3.2  testpilot

11 of our deps are in the red


All of our addon dependencies are needed at the moment. All of them are dev dependencies so we don't have the same level of security concern for these.

Package               Current  Wanted  Latest  Location
cross-env               5.0.1   5.0.1   5.2.0  testpilot-addon
eslint                 4.15.0  4.15.0   5.3.0  testpilot-addon
eslint-plugin-import    2.8.0   2.8.0  2.13.0  testpilot-addon
fs-extra                6.0.0   6.0.1   7.0.0  testpilot-addon
onchange                4.0.0   4.1.0   4.1.0  testpilot-addon
shx                     0.2.2   0.2.2   0.3.2  testpilot-addon
web-ext                 2.6.0   2.8.0   2.8.0  testpilot-addon

3 are in the red

meandavejustice commented 6 years ago

Been working on this for a few days now,

stasm commented 6 years ago

I noticed that Test Pilot uses both uglifyjs-webpack-plugin and gulp-uglify. Are both required?

This might be relevant to the Fluent upgrade in #3789. Fluent's compat builds use some ES6+ features, which old versions of Uglify don't support. From what I was able to gather, there are three Uglify packages on npm:

While uglifyjs-webpack-plugin depends on uglify-es, gulp-uglify still uses the old uglify-js package. It looks like this is the main blocker right now to upgrading Fluent in Test Pilot. Two questions follow:

  1. Assuming they serve roughly the same purpose, can gulp-uglify be removed in favor of uglify-webpack-plugin?
  2. If not, would you consider replacing gulp-uglify with gulp-uglify-es which depends on terser? I haven't checked if it solves the Fluent upgrade problems, but I can try if you're open to it.

PS Always bet on JavaScript.

lmorchard commented 6 years ago

I noticed that Test Pilot uses both uglifyjs-webpack-plugin and gulp-uglify. Are both required?

We're 5/7 of the way through removing Gulp from our build chain (it's been a slow process) - but we don't actually use gulp-uglify any more as far as I can tell. So, it's just uglifyjs-webpack-plugin. We can upgrade that, as long as it doesn't cause an upgrade cascade that we've been trying to avoid for the time being.

Also I think the larger issue is not just whether uglify fails - but whether we want to switch from transpiled ES5 to serving up straight ES6 code, right? I'm not sure we want to do that yet. Maybe it's okay with respect to our browser support goals? I don't know off the top of my head.

stasm commented 6 years ago

we don't actually use gulp-uglify any more as far as I can tell. So, it's just uglifyjs-webpack-plugin.

The version of uglifyjs-webpack-plugin that you currently use depends on uglify-es. I can't say it's enough for all ES6 code out there, but I've verified that it works well with the recent releases of fluent and fluent-react.

Also I think the larger issue is not just whether uglify fails - but whether we want to switch from transpiled ES5 to serving up straight ES6 code, right? I'm not sure we want to do that yet. Maybe it's okay with respect to our browser support goals? I don't know off the top of my head.

Looking at Test Pilot's FAQ, I sense some enthusiasm about shipping ES6+ code :) FWIW new releases of Fluent packages are currently targeting the following browsers with its transpiled compat builds:

Firefox >= 52,
FirefoxAndroid >= 52,
Chrome >= 55,
ChromeAndroid >= 55,
Edge >= 15,
Safari >= 10.1,
iOS >= 10.3
connorshea commented 6 years ago

Have you considered using something like dependabot or greenkeeper to keep your npm dependencies up-to-date? I use dependabot and it works quite well for my projects :)

lmorchard commented 6 years ago

We were using greenkeeper. But, we had a long run of it suggesting backwards-incompatible upgrades. The pull requests kind of piled up as tech debt chasing upstream API changes at a time when we were busy doing other things as a team (e.g. Test Pilot experiments). We disabled greenkeeper with the intent to get back to it (or something like it), but haven't quite done it yet.

clouserw commented 6 years ago

I tried to enable renovate today, but couldn't figure out how. Not sure if that says more about me or GitHub's app system.... :-/

clouserw commented 6 years ago

Alright renovate is enabled! For the record:

The Mozilla org had already approved Renovate for use in the org, however, a repository owner cannot turn it on. You have to be an org owner to add it to the repository... which is weird. Anyway...