mozilla / tofino

Project Tofino is a browser interaction experiment.
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Backspace on web content should navigate Back #1522

Closed rnewman closed 7 years ago

rnewman commented 7 years ago

Firefox parity.

bgrins commented 7 years ago

Counterpoint: chrome has removed backspace for navigation, opting for cmd/ctrl+left. This is nice once you get used to it since you don't accidentally navigate backwards when pressing backspace if an input field becomes blurred

rnewman commented 7 years ago

I'd also be happy for this to be WONTFIXed — it just ought to be a deliberate decision rather than omission.

joewalker commented 7 years ago

3 close-it votes (if you include me) and it doesn't look like rnewman is strongly for it. I say deliberate decision made. WONTFIX.