mozilla / uniffi-rs

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How to share a reference to a struct with UniFFI? #2147

Closed pacu closed 2 weeks ago

pacu commented 2 weeks ago

I have this SecretPackage struct that the client of my FFI code needs to get ahold of.

This struct doesn't have to be ever serialized, just kept in memory for a few seconds to then use it through the FFI.

I need the reference to be kept alive

struct DKGPartOnePackages {
    pub secret: DKGSecretPackage,
    pub package: DKGPackage

struct DKGSecretPackage {
    data: SecretPackage # <--- this is the real secret that 

fn stepOne() -> DKGSecretPackage {
/// some code

fn stepTwo(secret: DKGSecretPackage) -> Bool {
/// some code

So the ffi client would call

let secret = stepOne()
// some other code

let productOfTheSecret = stepTwo(secret)

Secret has to be kept in memory and not used by another thing that calling stepTwo() so this secret rust struct does not have any serialization methods because it's an implementation detail. It's a real secret :).

how can I make code on the Swift/Go side of UniFFI hold the secret until it's time to use it? how to pass it through the FFI?

I'm currently getting this error

the trait bound `DKGPartOnePackages: LowerReturn<UniFfiTag>` is not satisfied
the following other types implement trait `LowerReturn<UT>`:
and 34 others
required for `Result<DKGPartOnePackages, FrostError>` to implement `LowerReturn<UniFfiTag
mhammond commented 2 weeks ago

You probably just need Arcs around your objects - eg, fn stepOne() -> Arc<DKGSecretPackage>; (and obviously wrapping it in an Arc at the right time)

pacu commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your quick response @mhammond! I really appreciate it!

I assume that UniFFI will take care of the Swift/Go side to hold the Arc reference so it's not deallocated, is this correct?

mhammond commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, the foreign side knows it is holding a reference counted reference and will drop the reference at the appropriate time in the foreign side's life-cycle. However, as with references and reference counting in general, it does mean it might not be deterministic (eg, we have no idea if the foreign side might stash the reference into a global variable)