mozilla / vinz-clortho

INACTIVE - - BrowserID Keymaster for LDAP enabled Identity Providers
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Fixes #101 by replacing o=com,dc=mozilla with dc=mozilla and extending t... #102

Closed floatingatoll closed 11 years ago

floatingatoll commented 11 years ago

Fixes #101 by replacing o=com,dc=mozilla with dc=mozilla and extending the LDAP filter

Previously, this was searching o=com,dc=mozilla, which excludes some percentage of users who are under o=org,dc=mozilla.

This patch modifies the search in two ways, to search both o=com and o=org.

(1) o=com,dc=mozilla is replaced by dc=mozilla, widening the search scope to include both o=com, o=org, and many other o= results. (2) The search filter, which previously was (|(mail=?)(zimbraAlias=?)), is extended to also require either o=org or o=com using the approximate syntax (&(|(mail)(zimbraAlias))(|(org)(com)))

If in the future additional filters are required, they would be added as additional () groups inside the outermost (&...) filter, as follows:

(& (|(mail)(zimbraAlias)) (|(org)(com)) (...) )

mostlygeek commented 11 years ago

Looks like the tests need to be updated as well. Will merge, fix and make sure bug is properly reproduced and fixed.

mostlygeek commented 11 years ago

Resolved the domain search another way. Didn't merge due to ldapjs not supporting extensible matching and that would break all of our tests.