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establish EIPs for mozidp prod servers #124

Closed gene1wood closed 10 years ago

gene1wood commented 10 years ago

Currently the production mozidp servers do not have elastic IPs associated with them. Consequently when the instances restart they get different dynamic public IP addresses.

This results in a few things


The event that triggered me noticing this is that the mozidp server in us-west-1 needed to be restarted. I restarted it and it changed it's ip from to I updated DNS and monitoring only to encounter the ldap whitelist issue. I've changed DNS on the host that restarted to to force it out of the DNS load balance group.

mostlygeek commented 10 years ago

Closing won't fix. There is already a documented procedure in mana about how to deploy mozidp.

gene1wood commented 10 years ago

So what occurred here is that the mozidp servers run in ec2-classic. I was used to VPC based hosts. These 2 environments cause different behavior in regards to EIPs

The result is that the mozidp servers, when they're restarted from the amazon gui (instance start/stop or restart) they lose their binding to their EIP and it must be manually rebound to the host.

I wasn't aware of this difference between ec2-classic and VPC so when I saw the host restart with a new IP I'd assumed (incorrectly) that it hadn't had an EIP. It did have one it was just no longer bound to it.

Benson went in this morning and manually bound the EIP to the instance. He changed DNS back to point to the old IP. I went in and changed monitoring to point to the old IP. And ldap began working again as the whitelist allowed the traffic in on the old IP.