mozilla / webliteracymap

A collaborative effort, led by Mozilla, to define the skills and competencies required to read, write and participate on the web.
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Define skills under 'Composing for the web' competency for v1.5 #26

Closed dajbelshaw closed 9 years ago

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

Composing for the web Creating and curating content for the web

See spreadsheet at

jgmac1106 commented 9 years ago

We should add:

Creating your own space to publish on the Web.

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

Interesting, @jgmac1106 - especially as this is under the Building strand. It certainly appears to fit in here (and you know I'm in favour of the sentiment). Just wondering if others think this is in-scope for this particular competency?

I'm happy to add it in if others are! :)

xellpher commented 9 years ago

I think it's a great idea. How about leaving the publishing out: Creating your own space on the Web. This would include not just the tools for building, but also for searching and the other bits and bobs. Talk about out-of-scope... :)

I certainly would benefit from having a blueprint of the space I occupy on the web. (I'm already drawing a map in my head.)

In any case, I think it should definitely be included. Brings an agency to the project, having an idea about the tools one uses.

xellpher commented 9 years ago

This could be something like your workflow post @dajbelshaw but with everything included :)

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

Thanks @xellpher! How about something about the notion of 'control'? Perhaps:

Not perfect, but I think the 'publishing' part ties it to this competency, while the 'controlling' makes it more than just having a Facebook page.

Thoughts? :)

jgmac1106 commented 9 years ago

I dig it.

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

I dig it.

Great! Let's finalise on the call this week. We'll have five skills at that point, which probably means we can tick off Composing for the Web as done. :)

jgmac1106 commented 9 years ago

Final List:

dajbelshaw commented 9 years ago

Great stuff. Have updated the first comment. :)