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Moderation - Unable to update content within /explore #1098

Open thisandagain opened 9 years ago

thisandagain commented 9 years ago

As we are starting to drive more traffic to /explore (formerly known as the gallery) we have a need to keep that content regularly updated. The existing content on that page hasn't been updated in quite some time and after talking with @keyboardkat and @cadecairos it looks like part of the problem is that the architecture of that page and the features available within the MakeAPI admin cause some serious friction.

Couple options for resolution:

Looking for more suggestions.

/cc @keyboardkat @cadecairos @simonwex

cadecairos commented 9 years ago

Another option could be to simply add a isFeatured flag to items within the MakeAPI and modify the /explore view to render items chronologically where isFeatured === true. This is my preference in the long-term as we move to having many people from the team featuring makes as to keep content constantly (ideal -> hourly) updated. With that we'd need to think about adding a way to feature content within Webmaker itself visible to staff / admins.

This feels like the path of least resistance. One thing we still lack is a solid tool for admins to find and feature makes.

thisandagain commented 9 years ago

Wondering if we could even do that with an IRC bot. Have a bot post new makes to a channel and have a whitelist of users that can tell the bot to feature a make by id.

keyboardkat commented 9 years ago

Hi @cadecairos @thisandagain @simonwex, here are initial user needs/requirements for the moderation dashboard. I took these from several old bugs, and updated them based on current status:

  1. The ability to easily find new makes (was quite hard in the MakeAPI admin.) See Bug 938245.
  2. The ability to preview moderated makes before they are published (i.e., not having to just reload over and over) See Bug 997282.
  3. The ability to moderate more than the first 12 makes (currently, we can only control the top 12. The rest fill in randomly. Could be fixed by adding pagination, each page with a new set of 12 makes);
  4. The possibility to have one moderation dashboard for all parts of that need to be moderated. i.e., both /explore AND /teach - web lit textbook. See Bug 997282.
  5. A easy-to-follow taxonomy for moderation of the 12 makes to be featured, specified in a public read-me file. (I put the old editorial taxonomy here, but it isn't the best place)
  6. The ability to moderate without having to use code (i.e., not having to learn this kind of JSON).
  7. The ability to easily add tags to makes, whether you want to tag 12 at a time, or 1. See Bug 938252.

@cadecairos, let me know if you'd like these to be framed differently? Thank you! :poop::poop::poop:

cadecairos commented 9 years ago

The ability to easily find new makes (was quite hard in the MakeAPI admin.) See Bug 938245

I agree, we need simple, powerful search features that don't over complicate the interface. I think date based searching would be helpful (i.e. "show me makes created yesterday/last week/between x and y). Are there any specific types of queries you might find useful?

The ability to preview moderated makes before they are published (i.e., not having to just reload over and over) See Bug 997282

Can you clarify what a "moderated" make is? Does that mean it's been featured (in whatever manner we end up going with)?

I have ideas how previewing can be made to work using the list API, but some of the mechanisms to make it happen don't exist and will require some engineering across apps.

The ability to moderate more than the first 12 makes (currently, we can only control the top 12. The rest fill in randomly. Perhaps this could be fixed by implementing pagination so each page only has 12 makes on it);

Using the tag-based featuring mechanism will turn this into a nightmare - If I understand the current process correctly, featuring a make requires adding a tag "webmaker:featured-x" where you replace 'x' with the position of the featured make. The amount of work involved putting a make into the top slot of a 50 make list will ruin any person's day.

That is one of the reasons why make lists were created, since there's no hard upper limit to how many makes can be in a list, and makes can (with the right front end tool built on top of the API) be added, removed, and organized, since they're represented internally as an array, and not using tags.

With @thisandagain's proposal for a featured flag, we will lose the ability to order featured makes, as we'll be limited to using the default sorting mechanisms provided by the MakeAPI (i.e. created at date).

The possibility to have one moderation dashboard for all parts of that need to be moderated. i.e., both /explore AND /teach. See Bug 997282

Another problem that Make Lists can simplify. Since make lists have unique ID's, we can specify different lists to use for each moderated part of the site, and feed those id's into the moderation tool, so that you can select the list you want to moderate, and get the benefit of using the same tool to moderate every part of the site.

This might be out of scope for a single two week sprint.

A easy-to-follow taxonomy for moderation of the 12 makes to be featured, specified in a public read-me file. (I put the old editorial taxonomy here, but it isn't the best place)

I'm not entirely sure what this is. I feel like this is something that belongs on a wiki page?

The ability to moderate makes without having to go into code (i.e., JSON).

This will require some work to rewrite the pages that render content using hard coded json blobs.

The ability to easily add tags to makes, whether you want to tag 12 at a time, or 1. Bug 938252.

do-able, but needs design work

keyboardkat commented 9 years ago

Some answers to @cadecairos questions below, next to our names....

1) The ability to easily find new makes (was quite hard in the MakeAPI admin.) See Bug 938245

2) The ability to preview moderated makes before they are published (i.e., not having to just reload over and over) See Bug 997282

3) The ability to moderate more than the first 12 makes (currently, we can only control the top 12. The rest fill in randomly. Perhaps this could be fixed by implementing pagination so each page only has 12 makes on it);

4) The possibility to have one moderation dashboard for all parts of that need to be moderated. i.e., both /explore AND /teach. See Bug 997282

5) A easy-to-follow taxonomy for moderation of the 12 makes to be featured, specified in a public read-me file. (I put the old editorial taxonomy here, but it isn't the best place)

6) The ability to moderate makes without having to go into code (i.e., JSON).

7) The ability to easily add tags to makes, whether you want to tag 12 at a time, or 1. Bug 938252.

cadecairos commented 9 years ago

of views

@keyboardkat, might not be doable since that data isn't stored in the makeAPI. It might exist in GA, but I'm not sure how to piece together a list of urls from one DB and data bout the URLs from GA. maybe @adamlofting or @jdotpz can chime in on that one

of remixes

I think this sort is supported already.

top users

@keyboardkat what's a top user?

edited: GH markdown is the worst.

keyboardkat commented 9 years ago

@cadecairos top user: same as lead user, i presume. someone who creates more makes than the average user, or as we once defined it, someone whose makes are remixed more than others.

cadecairos commented 9 years ago

@keyboardkat Ah, okay. That might require crafting a special query based on the definition of a "top user"

jdotpz commented 9 years ago

Well, you can certainly get at data containing /explore urls. screen shot 2015-01-21 at 7 35 28 pm

**Asked by @thisandagain : Wondering if we could even do that with an IRC bot. Have a bot post new makes to a channel and have a whitelist of users that can tell the bot to feature a make by id. If we then write to sqs on a make, this bot can announce it. Maybe. I suck at it.

cadecairos commented 9 years ago

make creation generates an event on our event queues. from there it should be a no brainer dumping a url into an irc channel.

after that, we just need a bot to watch the channel for whitelisted users to trigger featuring.

adamlofting commented 9 years ago

We can programmatically query Google Analytics and pull page view data for individual makes, but if we want to do that I would suggest we make it a more systematic task at a MakeAPI level. Setting up something like a daily, or hourly script to update the numbers.

Having pageview metadata stored against makes could have lots of benefits across the site for gallery automation, giving users feedback and even the web literacy angle that comes with users understanding popularity and tracking.

thisandagain commented 9 years ago

Understanding the dynamic between productive / consumptive use of Webmaker at a per make level would be helpful for product planning as well. :+1: but outside of the scope of this sprint in my view.