mozilla / workshop

Workshop was a JSON server which reformatted hardware data from an obsolete format. It has been replaced by the BabbageFormatter in ensemble-transposer.
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Simplify macOS grouping configuration #33

Open openjck opened 6 years ago

openjck commented 6 years ago

Right now, we need to specify which named macOS release each Darwin version belongs to. For example...

It would be easier to specify a range or even simply a major version number for each named release. Each named version of macOS appears to have its own major version number: Darwin 15 is El Capitan, Darwin 16 is Sierra, etc.

I should also create some kind of calendar item to myself to remind myself to update population-modifications.js when new named versions of macOS are announced. Otherwise, those new versions will show up as Darwin-#-#-# in the Data Report.

pdehaan commented 6 years ago

Yeah, not sure if there'd be an easy way to specify a basic regex, like new RegExp("^Darwin-15\\."). JSON doesn't support native RegExp (I don't think), so we'd need to wrap it in a string and use a RegExp constructor or something.

const obj ={
    "replacementGroups": [
            "name": "macOS El Capitan",
            "members": "^Darwin-15\\."
            "name": "macOS Sierra",
            "members": "^Darwin-16\\."
            "name": "macOS High Sierra",
            "members": "^Darwin-17\\."
            "name": "macOS Mojave",
            "members": "^Darwin-18\\."

const kernel = "darwin-16.22.4";

function kernelToOS(k) {
  return obj.replacementGroups.find(g => new RegExp(g.members, "i").test(k)) || {};

console.log(kernelToOS(kernel).name, `(${kernel})`); // macOS Sierra (darwin-16.22.4)
openjck commented 6 years ago

Good thinking. I was thinking we could even specify it just by the major version. Something like...

"macOSVersions": [
    { "name": "El Capitan", "majorVersion": 15 },
    { "name": "Sierra", "majorVersion": 16 },

But we'll see if that works in practice. :smiley:

pdehaan commented 6 years ago

Oh yeah, your solution is waaay better than my string regex. 👍