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Figure out how to handle the Curriculum Workshop page #29

Closed flukeout closed 2 years ago

flukeout commented 8 years ago

The proposed Curriculum Workshop page looks like this...


There is a tabbed navigation near the top of the page the displays different content depending on which tab is selected...


The Issues

A potential solution One solution is to create a system where we can pull in separate editable CMS pages into a larger, non editable page. So the wrapper page would contain the page title and the tabbed navigation and would take two parameters:

Concerns The main concern is the UX of editing these pages and changing the reference to the "Current Workshop Page" - which will be different every week. How do we indicate to the user which parts of a page are editable and take them to the right place? Is there a concept like this in Calypso?

From my own Wordpress use, you get an edit link at the top if you have editing rights. When you click it, you edit the entire page you're seeing - this won't be possible with the proposed solution.

Curious to hear your thoughts @vazquez @gvn @mmmavis

gvn commented 8 years ago

This articulates the issue really well. :+1:

In the parlance of the CMS Principles the wrapper page is a Hybrid Page, but we could rename that to something like a Container Page or Wrapper Page if it's more intuitive.

gvn commented 8 years ago

CC: @hannahkane @simonwex

gvn commented 8 years ago

I think we should probably put hybrid page templates alongside our regular templates in mozmaker-templates, but just put them in a different folder like src/wrappers.

gvn commented 8 years ago

Ok, so @flukeout , @vazquez and I met to hash this out and we're going to take this approach.

  1. Ricardo can finish up this page's code and design as he sees fit. We'll then land it.
  2. I'll refactor the code so that it becomes a hybrid page pulling in 2 templates (workshop info and workshop schedule which will come from 2 associated pages in the CMS). This hybrid page will live in mozmaker-templates because it will be re-used many times. Essentially we'll have 2 classes of templates: partials and pages.

TBD: Is the header worth putting in the CMS? @hannahkane do you have any thoughts?

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

@gvn - to answer that question, should I be comparing the amount of effort to create an additional template now vs. the amount of effort required to update the header in the future? I would, for the sake of argument, guess that we might need to edit the header copy twice in the next year. Does that seem like more or less effort then templatizing now?

A note on naming—to make this more generic, we may want to avoid the word "workshop." We're aiming to apply this template to the MLN Community Call, where the word "call" would be used in place of "workshop." I'd say "call" is a better generic term—it can be applied to both scenarios so far, whereas "workshop" doesn't really apply to the second use case.

gvn commented 8 years ago

@hannahkane It's not much more work to make the header a template too, so if you think it'd be useful to allow people to edit it we can enable that.

I can also rename to "call". Easy peasy!

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

yay. thanks, @gvn. let's enable editing on the header, and rename to call.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

@flukeout - I think we can resolve this issue now since we arrived at a conclusion about both the layout for this particular content, as well as the technical approach for multi-partial templates, right?