mozillahispano / openwapp

OpenWapp is a open client for a well-known mobile IM service
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Can't register on nightly #118

Closed Hywan closed 9 years ago

Hywan commented 9 years ago

Hello :-),

New update of Firefox OS nightly (3.0) today. Opening OpenApp. I am prompted to register this phone (why? it was working yesterday ;-)) and when I enter my phone number waiting for the SMS, I have the following error:

Old version, please contact OpenWapp devs.

Here I am :-).

airon90 commented 9 years ago

This error happens to me, too!

Insurrectionist commented 9 years ago

Something similar happened to me but on 1.3. It was working then around an hour later it prompted to register my phone.

holztest08 commented 9 years ago

The same problem. I think WhatsApp changed something with the client requirements...

eduardoandre commented 9 years ago

This error happens to me, too! I need of the old version please!

eduardoandre commented 9 years ago

I am brazilian, I don't speak english. But I need of the old version, please. Because my app this not working.

Thank you very very much

nebocamin commented 9 years ago

Can confirm on three phones. Yesterday it was working today, not anymore. Me on 2.2 and on 2.0 same effect. Maybe "they" changed something.

ChrAck commented 9 years ago

Yes, same behaviour in Germany/Congstar: Old version message and non working client; seems to be a general change in authentication... :-/ ALCATEL_6015X FFOS_2.0.0.0 and OW_1.7.4

alex-mayorga commented 9 years ago

Just another "me too" on Flame 2.2...

If only my contacts would ditch WhatsApp and evolve into Telegram =(

willyaranda commented 9 years ago

I had a PR on CoSeMe (the underlying library to connect to WA) by @titannano

Merged. I will create a new zip and upload to the store ASAP.

willyaranda commented 9 years ago

I have generated a new version with just this change,

could someone test? I don't have any FirefoxOS phone until Monday.


Shadow1g commented 9 years ago

tested --> doesnt work

problem not solved

i use firefox 2.0 on a alcatel one touch fire e

Insurrectionist commented 9 years ago

Tested it too, not solved on Firefox OS 1.3, ZTE Open II.

nebocamin commented 9 years ago

works for me, using 2.2 on a flame

holztest08 commented 9 years ago

Still the same error. Loqui also have the same problem...yowsup works.

airon90 commented 9 years ago

@willyaranda I tested it on my Flame under Firefox OS 3.0 (latest update: 30th April) but the problem still occurs

ChrAck commented 9 years ago

Works fine for me too: 2.0 on Alcatel 6015x

TitanNano commented 9 years ago

hello, everyone here is talking of the device registration not the authentication of an already set up account?

@willyaranda on Loqui we got a report from a failed code request where whatsapp respondes with "bad_token". The token is assembled by CoSeMe from the phone number and a static string like this var plain = 'PdA2DJyKoUrwLw1Bg6EIhzh502dF9noR9uFCllGk1418865329241' + phone; maybe we need to update this static string? If so how can we get the new version?

aesedepece commented 9 years ago

The new string should be PdA2DJyKoUrwLw1Bg6EIhzh502dF9noR9uFCllGk1425519315543{phone}.

TitanNano commented 9 years ago

@aesedepece I see I'll create a pull request for CoSeMe and Loqui. How do you get the string?

aesedepece commented 9 years ago

It needs to be extracted from official app's package. That one came from WhatsApp 2.12.68 for S40.

TitanNano commented 9 years ago

I see, thank you for providing it +1. I patched Loqui so we need to wait for people to test if it's possible to register again. If so I'll do a PR for CoSeMe too.

2015-05-02 16:18 GMT+02:00 Adán Sánchez de Pedro Crespo <>:

It needs to be extracted from official app's package. That one came from WhatsApp 2.12.68 for S40.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

tchetch commented 9 years ago

I had the same problem and changing the string did correct it ... I could register.

TitanNano commented 9 years ago

@tchetch alright. thanks for the test :) I'll do a PR for CoSeMe.

feklee commented 9 years ago

Downloaded the zip from my device, unzipped it, changed the code to PdA2DJyKoUrwLw1Bg6EIhzh502dF9noR9uFCllGk1425519315543, zipped again, and copied it to my device. Last steps:

$ zip -r ../ *
$ cd ..
$ sudo adb push /data/local/webapps/{ce5ca96f-8384-488f-b100-ec1c6b780da7}

Then I restarted my Keon (1.3), and still I am requested to enter my PIN, which I do not get by SMS. Coincidentally, the problem exists since yesterday. Still, I guess it's unrelated to what has been reported here. I do not get the "Old version, please contact OpenWapp devs." error message.

tchetch commented 9 years ago

I used the zip from @willyaranda on FirefoxOS on a ZTE Open C

Shadow1g commented 9 years ago

"PdA2DJyKoUrwLw1Bg6EIhzh502dF9noR9uFCllGk1425519315543" works fine!

(with the zip from willyaranda)

feklee commented 9 years ago

@tchetch Cool, the zip by @willyaranda works. I see that there are a couple of other strings / version numbers updated.

Andreas-Berger commented 9 years ago

Hi! Just wanted to let you know workaround (unzip / change string / zip) described by feklee works for me too. Using Firefox 2.0 on geeksphone revolution - Thanks!!! btw: Is there a way to find out which /data/local/webapps/{random-string} - folder is related to a specific application?

feklee commented 9 years ago

Possibly I didn't have the latest version installed.

@Andreas-Berger The string is in webapps.json, as described in the wiki page on migration.

Hywan commented 9 years ago

The recent update did not fix it :-( (on nightly).

willyaranda commented 9 years ago

I just pushed a new version to the marketplace (1.7.6). Waiting to be approved.

Shadow1g commented 9 years ago

sure? there is still the 1.7.5 online

Hywan commented 9 years ago

@willyaranda Perfect. Let's wait and see :-).

willyaranda commented 9 years ago

Approved. Please update and report :) Thanks!

pmquste commented 9 years ago

Preciso de ajuda!! Meu openwapp não está funcionando desde a semana passada. Eu o utiizava para trabalho e atender meus clientes. Tento registrar meu telefone mas dá a seguinte mensagem "Indefinido". O que devo fazer...Lí as instruçoes de vocês nesse forum mas não consigo entender o que significa e onde colocar todos esses códigos....

pmquste commented 9 years ago

i need help! Cant install the openwapp on my firefox since last week. Is says "Indefined". Any help please.

Insurrectionist commented 9 years ago

Working on ZTE Open II - Firefox OS 1.3.

trompetix commented 9 years ago

thank you willyaranda! I just reinstalled your new verision: great job! Works for me on Alcatel OneTounch Fire E with FFOS 2.0.0 01009B

willyaranda commented 9 years ago

Great! Huge thanks to @aesedepece and @TitanNano

khepriduat commented 9 years ago

Solved! Now working on ZTE Open with 2.0. Thanks!

Hywan commented 9 years ago

Solved on nightly. Great job :-).

Shadow1g commented 9 years ago

The problem isn solved, it works only for some hours, after this you lose the connection to the WA-network. All you can do after that is to reinstall openwapp. thats no permanent solution...

Hywan commented 9 years ago

@Shadow1g Hmm, I can't reproduce your issue. What is your version of Firefox OS (because some of them have troubles with the socket API).

Shadow1g commented 9 years ago

Firefox OS 2.0 // Alcatel One Touch Fire E

airon90 commented 9 years ago

Again I was disconnected to Whatsapp and when I tried to ask a code for my phone number OpenWapp warned me that the version is obsolete but there isn't any new version of OpenWapp. :(

Timmaks commented 9 years ago

This is a closed issue so please open a new issue (it is new because it is a result of a chnage in whatsapp) like the somebody did in issue #144 .

Hywan commented 9 years ago

@Airon90 Same here…