Closed ccarruitero closed 12 years ago
I don't understand this. Can you ellaborate again, please?
for the mail message, I request data from jsons, something like this:
respon = tareas_new['respon'+str(i)][0]
estado = tareas['items'][int(i)]['estado'][0]
label = tareas['items'][int(i)]['label']
and then insert this in the message ..
text = "Hola, "+ respon + " tienes asignada la tarea "+ label+", la cual se encuentra como " + estado +" ... "
But I have error with encoding with this variable. I ignore this encoding for test bash is working, but is necessary fix this
It's better?
Using this
text = u"Hola, %s tienes asignada la tarea %s, la cual se encuentra como %s, pero ya vencio la fecha limite asignada" % (respon, label, estado)
should work
I has a problem with unicode encoding when I try to insert in string
I ignore encoding for test if bash is working,
label = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',tareas['items'][int(i)]['label']).encode('latin-1','ignore')
but it's necessary resolve this