mozillascience / code-research-object

Project between GitHub, figshare and Mozilla Science Lab.
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Allow selecting specific tags/revisions/branches from the corresponding repository #8

Open armish opened 10 years ago

armish commented 10 years ago

Currently, by default, the submission system does not distinguish between branches, tags or revisions of a project that is to be submitted to FigShare.

Most development teams take advantage of branches to isolate releases and development branches (see A successful Git branching model).

In regards to this, my humble suggestion is to list tags and branches in a project whenever a user initiates a submission. This way people will, for example, able to say: "I want my latest stable code to submitted to FigShare", which provides incredible flexibility for submissions and this model will better with the current established development strategies.

hubgit commented 10 years ago

I hope that we'll simply be able to settle on using releases as the objects to be archived (and as you suggest, figshare would watch for new releases ("stable code") and archive them automatically).

robldavidson commented 10 years ago

@hugbit That is how Zenodo appears to work currently. Seems like a decent system for integration with GitHub.