mozillascience / studyGroup

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Mozilla Study Groups in Brasil #36

Open bkatiemills opened 8 years ago

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

@rodrigopadula and I were just talking about how great it would be if we could get a series of Study Groups started up around Brasil. But, we need a plan to move this forward effectively. Some rough steps we talked about:

  1. Get this repo translated into Portuguese on a Portuguese branch (help wanted!). Translation of other assets like the Handbook can come later, but this repo is key.
  2. Start a few groups around Brasil. I know @pcjunger has one coming for UFRJ, and @rodrigopadula is looking into ICUFF. One or two more around the country would be a great start.
  3. Once there are two or three groups started, we should start a monthly google hangout in Portuguese, lead by the local community. We do one in english so far (which everyone is welcome to join in on), but one organized regionally would be a great addition.

This is a pretty simple plan so far - any ideas or details I'm missing? Please feel free to forward / cc anyone else who might like to help out with this!

pcjunger commented 8 years ago

That sounds like a great starting point @BillMills and @rodrigopadula. I'm currently approaching the end of my Masters, thus time is limiting, but I will be glad to spend all time I have left to help out with this plan.

I've contacted a few colleagues from other Universities who might be interested in founding more R study groups around Brazil. @paternogbc @ewaldoj @LucianoFSgarbi would you guys be interested in starting up a Mozilla Science Study Group at UFRN and UFG, respectively? It couldn't be simpler than it actually is. Let us know in case you have any doubts. The more we are, the quicker we can step forward!

rgaiacs commented 8 years ago

@ctruciosm, @lbenitesanchez, @ocefpaf and @fernandomayer Do you have interest on this?

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

Could you please provide more information about this idea? What is the main aim of these study groups?

Cheers, G

lfsgarbi commented 8 years ago

What is the aim of this study group?

2015-10-06 8:48 GMT-03:00 Gustavo Paterno

Hi all,

Could you please provide more information about this idea? What is the main aim of these study groups?

Cheers, G

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Luciano F. Sgarbi Currículo Lattes Laboratório de Ecologia Teórica e Síntese Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas V. Universidade Federal de Goiás, campus II, Goiânia-GO, Brasil

pcjunger commented 8 years ago

Hi @paternogbc and @LucianoFSgarbi, sorry for including you without providing further information. This idea is all about open science. You can find the general idea in the file in this repository:

This Study Group repo is part of the Mozilla Science Lab project:

I've just created a group for ecologist at UFRJ, which you can access here: It would be awesome building a great network in Brasil.

Anyway, that's all very new for me. Perhaps @BillMills can give you more details and properly answer your questions.

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Hi @pcjunger, thanks for the update! ;)

I will have a look, but the idea sounds very interesting. I am very kin to open science and reproducible research.

I can start a group in my university, just need to check how the group works and what are the activities that we should organize.

All the best, G

rgaiacs commented 8 years ago

If people want to talk in Portuguese let me know. =)

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Português então. kkk Fiquei confuso pq todo mundo escreveu em inglês. Mas vamos lá.

O primeiro passo então é traduzir esse repositório para pt, certo? Eu posso criar o "branch" inicial e começar a tradução. Alguém pode ajudar nessa tarefa?

Abraços, Guga

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

@BillMills should we create a portuguese branch or a fork from the original repo?

Thanks, G

pcjunger commented 8 years ago

hahaha..continuei escrevendo em inglês pq o cara que abriu a discussão não é brasileiro, mas uma das ideias é preparar o terreno para que as discussões possam acontecer em português tbm :-)

De qualquer forma, obrigado pelo entusiasmo! Eu posso te ajudar nessa tarefa @paternogbc, let's wait for @BillMills reply.

rodrigopadula commented 8 years ago

Olá pessoal, desculpem-me pela demora. Estou bem enrolado com o doutorado esses dias mas vamos lá!!!

A idéia é estimular a criação de vários grupos de estudo em universidades brasileiras para que possamos desenvolver projetos, estudos e principalmente compartilha código e conteúdo através do github. Venho conversando com o pessoal da Mozilla há algum tempo e a idéia é fazer um intercambio entre academia e comunidade mozilla também. Temos atualmente uma comunidade Mozilla Brasil bem forte e pretendemos envolver mais gente na luta por uma web cada vez mais aberta e democrática, acessível a todos!

rodrigopadula commented 8 years ago

Conversei com o @BillMills no último domingo e concluimos que a melhor estratégia seja criar pequenos grupos em nossas universidades, amadurecer um pouco mais a idéia e daí poderemos partir para eventos e encontros regionais/nacionais. Criar um hub local entre universdades de um mesmo estado/cidade ja seria um ótimo começo. Estou atualmente na UFF mas fiz meu mestrado na UFRJ no PPGI. Então podemos contar com apoio do pessoal de computação de ambas! Comentei com o @BillMills que vou solicitar à mozilla a criação de uma lista de emails para que possamos trocar idéias e convidar mais gente para esse empreitada! Qualquer dúvida podem entrar em contato comigo também, participo das atividades da Mozilla no país desde 2006 ativamente.

Ewaldoj commented 8 years ago

Olá pessoal, boa noite. Também estou meio perdido, mas vou me ambientar no site e pegar mais informações para discutir melhor.

@paternogbc, sou aluno de graduação da Ecologia (UFRN) e posso falar com você na quinta feira, antes ou depois da sua apresentação do bioforum, sobre esse assunto. Eu me apresento para você lá, :) On 6 Oct 2015 6:32 pm, "Pedro C Junger" wrote:

hahaha..continuei escrevendo em inglês pq o cara que abriu a discussão não é brasileiro, mas uma das ideias é preparar o terreno para que as discussões possam acontecer em português tbm :-)

De qualquer forma, obrigado pelo entusiasmo! Eu posso te ajudar nessa tarefa @paternogbc, let's wait for @BillMills reply.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Opa beleza, valeu @Ewaldoj! Nos encontramos por lá então.

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

Hi everyone,

@paternogbc & @LucianoFSgarbi, what was said by @pcjunger is pretty much exactly correct; Study Groups are informal, community organized meetups to talk about open science, reproducible research, and the skills needed to do that. Existing Study Group activities have been:

These are just a few ideas, but the most important thing is that Study Group is lead by you and your community - whatever your attendees want to talk about or work on is what you should do. Then, we're trying to encourage people to share back their lessons or ideas with other Study Groups around the world, so we can learn from each other and reuse each other's work.

@paternogbc, I would love to see a portuguese branch in this repo. It's important to have all the forks coming from the same repo, since that's how I keep track of who is joining the program and starting new groups. With a portuguese branch, it would be possible to serve the website in Portuguese in two lines:

branch -D gh-pages
git branch -m portuguese gh-pages

Actually, it may even be possible right from within github, without having to do any command line git at all. Let me know what you think, and if there are any ways I can help!

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Dear @BillMills,

this sounds very nice! Thanks for putting everything together! I think we can engage a nice community in Brazil to participate in this project. I am not sure what is the best way to start this interaction (at the local or regional scale). But we will find a way.

Regarding the portuguese branch, I have no permission to push a remote branch on your repo. I am not sure if this is what you mean. Or should I create a fork, then a portuguese branch, then push and create a pull request? Could you please give me some guidelines? I got a bit confused regarding the workflow you suggested. Thanks :smiley:

I would say we should arrange a skype meeting to exchange some ideais among the brazilians and to define our organization strategy. We could organize ourselves from the regional to the local scale. Then, discuss some guidelines and start building local communities based on this discussions and on previous experience of people in this group. What do you think guys? @pcjunger @rgaiacs @LucianoFSgarbi @rodrigopadula

All the best, G

brennovich commented 8 years ago

@paternogbc you don't need to push directly to @BillMills' repository, instead you should fork @pcjunger's repository, develop your work under portuguese branch, and then create a Pull Request of your branch to @pcjunger's repository. After this process @pcjunger can do what @BillMills proposed :)

However, looking at this process it seems too manual and not so friendly to newcomers. Wouldn't be better to have full I18n support as part of studyGroup website project? @BillMills, I can help you guys with that if you think it's worth :)

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Hi @brennovich, for me it only depends on what you prefer to keep track of new groups joining the project. I can fork @pcjunger repo and create the portuguese branch from there. No problem ;)

All the best, G

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

Hi @paternogbc & @brennovich,

I just created a new portuguese branch of the main repo - if you send a pull request against that branch, I will merge in your translation there. To do so, I think it will be easiest to fork this repo, make your translation on your gh-pages branch, and use the GitHub UI to set up the PR, like so:

screen shot 2015-10-06 at 10 22 29 pm

Sorry this is a bit complicated! Let me know if I can help - if you get a translation on any branch of your own repo, I think I can pull it in to my portuguese branch in any case - let me know any questions and thanks for your effort!

diogoprov commented 8 years ago

Olá! Eu também gostaria de começar um grupo de estudo. @LucianoFSgarbi posso te ajudar se quiser.

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

@BillMills thanks!

That sounds much better!

I have created the fork [], so we can work on the translation there.


diogoprov commented 8 years ago

@paternogbc I can help with the translation as well!

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Nice @diogoprov!

Vamos trabalhar juntos então nesse fork. Talvez seja melhor se trabalharmos em arquivos diferentes. Pelo que eu vi tem o arquivo e o

Não sei se tem mais arquivos para serem traduzidos, mas certamente esses são os principais. Qual vc prefere trabalhar?

abs, G

ocefpaf commented 8 years ago

@rgaiacs valeu pelo toque.

@BillMills I know some that people at UFBA are interested in creating a study group. I will get them involved.

Also, I can help with the translation and/or as a reviewer. @paternogbc feel free to ping me from your fork (to avoid the noise in this thread) if you need some review.

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

@ocefpaf, Thanks for the support! ;)

Lets move the discussion to the fork then.

All the best, G

diogoprov commented 8 years ago

@paternogbc eu posso ficar com o . Não tem um issue aberto no fork, então não sei como fazer pra coordenar o trabalho lá

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

@diogoprov Não posso criar issues nesse fork, mas você pode simplesmente editar o arquivo no meu fork. Quando terminar faça um commit e depois um pull request. ;)

Quando terminarmos as traduções a gente da um ping no pessoal para eles revisarem.

Se quiser podemos conversar por e-mail também para evitar mais mensagens por aqui. Abs, Guga

rgaiacs commented 8 years ago

Great discussion.

@BillMills I suggest to have or or because it will be more easy to find by everyone. For example, someone looks at will discovery that there is something in Portuguese without difficult and the last suggestion also make easy to someone find about it when Googling or searching on GitHub. This approach also has two advantages:

  1. we will not bother everyone with the translation.
  2. will be easy to Git novices to contribute back.

I think that everyone on this conversation right now is a Git Jedi and can handle remote repositories, merging into the translated version, ... without difficult.

Comentei com o @BillMills que vou solicitar à mozilla a criação de uma lista de emails para que possamos trocar idéias e convidar mais gente para esse empreitada!

Another suggestion is using GitHub issues as a mailing list because will make easy to keep track of the conversation. Mixing mailing list, forum, wiki, bug track just create confusion.

rodrigopadula commented 8 years ago

Pessoal, o @BillMills ja migrou, só traduzir o conteúdo de

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Ok.. just created a fork from this branch then. @diogoprov, I am moving the repo, lets work here.

I think the mailing list is a great idea. Let us know when you have that ready.


rodrigopadula commented 8 years ago

Galera, não precisa criar um novo fork, só trabalhar direto na arvore em português, só traduzir direto lá. Devemos trabalhar diretamente aqui

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

We are going crazy :tada:

@rodrigopadula Eu não sei esse é o melhor jeito pq toda mudança que fizermos terá que ser aprovada individualmente pelo dono do repositório. Eu acho que a sugestão do Bill é mais prática. Trabalhamos no fork e quando terminarmos a tradução criamos um pull request para o branch portuguese que ele já criou.

Eu acho que isso facilita a vida do dono do repositório e podemos trabalhar em arquivos locais sem ter que estar no Github. Se vc achar que essa não é a melhor opção, eu sigo suas recomendações. =)) Veja o que acha.

Grande abraço, G

rodrigopadula commented 8 years ago

Qualquer coisa ele pode mudar permissões nessa arvore em pt nos dando acesso direto. Assim ja fazemos todos ali mesmo, o que acham? Ficar mais facil pra manter e gerir futuras atualizações.

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Se ele der autorização ta tranquilo.

abs ps. Eu já comecei um parágrafo de teste, se mudarmos para o branch do Bill ai eu levo essas mudança.

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

Thanks everyone for such a great conversation! Couple of ideas:

Thanks again, everyone! I would be so happy to bring these meetups to Brasil, but it can't be done without your help.

rgaiacs commented 8 years ago

Please ping me to review the translation.

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Ok @rgaiacs ... when we finish translating the files we will ping you to review ;)

Thanks for helping. G

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

Hey everyone, how are things going? Check out @gabano's translation here. It would be good to pull everyone's hard work together into that upstream branch or fork we talked about; once everyone here agrees on a first version, we can set that up. Let me know!

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

Also, as I just mentioned over on @gabano's repo, we're going to be having our monthly Study Group Leader's teleconference on October 30 - this would be a great chance to ask questions and meet other Study Group leaders worldwide. If you want to participate, get on this mailing list - I'll be sending contact info out there before the date.

Long term, as I think I mentioned further up this thread, it'd be great to do a Portuguese version of these leaders' calls for all the groups operating in Brasil; that'll be up to you to self-organize, but for now you can jump on the English call just to meet some people. Keep me posted on this work, hopefully I see some of you on the 30th!

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Very nice @BillMills .... everyone can check and review the "CodeOfConduct" translation here. Thanks to @diogoprov.

I am working on the file.

Is that correct @BillMills ? Or we are translating the wrong files?

I was not sure what to translate. But at least we have two files ready for review, the one you sent and CodeofConduct. The teleconference sounds very exciting ;)

All the best, Guga

gabano commented 8 years ago

Hi everyone, I was in a R Workshop at UFRJ and Melissa (the teacher) invited me to lead a study group for our department. Since then I've been working on a fork and trying to translate it. Also, we had our first meeting today and worked on Git and GitHub.

I didn't expect to see that much of people working on this in Brasil, and it's a nice surprise that you guys are working on studyGroup translation.

The translation I did isn't free of errors and many things were done based only on personal taste, because, again, I didn't expect this much of people working on this. Also, I dropped some lines of the code, mainly the calendar because I wasn't going to use it, so be careful with that.

Let me know when you decide on which branch you are going to work and if I can help.


pcjunger commented 8 years ago

Hi @gabano, I've met Melissa. She is from the same UBC research group of the guys who introduced the Mozilla Study Group to us at PPGE - UFRJ. :-) I've noticed you have already translated the whole website. That's very nice! I've also noticed you started translating the README file. That's is also nice, but @paternogbc has already started working on it and we could decide a single file to work on and avoid double-working on the same file.

Pelo jeito os grupos estão surgindo e o grupo brasileiro está crescendo rapidamente. Excelente! Ao mesmo tempo precisamos nos organizar melhor e evitar que trabalhemos duplamente no mesmo arquivo. Confesso que estou um pouco confuso, talvez por ser novo por aqui. Bom, que tal centralizarmos aqui quais serão os arquivos padrão, minha sugestão é:

É isso, a ideia da reunião também parece bem interessante. Valeu gente!

Abs, Pedro

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

the README file is nearly read. If anyone wants to review or help to finish the translations, please change this file.

All the best, G

diogoprov commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, I'd really appreciate if someone could take a look and review my translation. @paternogbc I'll work from now on to finish the translation of the README file.

Best, Diogo

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

@paternogbc yes, that's perfect! Once those are translated, we will be ready to offer them as a complete translation of the website. I know we talked about doing this as a branch in the original repo, but @rgaiacs has convinced me - I think it might be easier if we make a whole new repo to house this translation. That way, users can just fork the translation they want without having to swap branches around, and I can make everyone here a maintainer of the Portuguese translation so you can make changes and updates without my oversight. I'll make sure this is ok with Mozilla (since it's their github org) and set something up!

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

@BillMills thanks for your reply. I agree that a separate repo is the best way to do it. We have decided to use a similar strategy in the portuguese translations of swirl courses for R. swirl-BR where we started a fresh repo to avoid problems.

I believe we should have all translations ready by next week. Actually, we are at the revision phase. ;) After we finish, we then decide who is going to hold the base repo and all study groups can fork this and start their on websites.

Who wants to build the base brazilian repo? You will need to compile all translations and push to this repo, then all groups can fork that. =)

@BillMills please let us know if Mozilla agrees with this approach.

All the best, G

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

@paternogbc - sounds good! I just asked Moz if we could host it under their org and give everyone here write access; I suspect there will be no problems with that, but just wanted to ask them before charging ahead. I'll let you know!

paternogbc commented 8 years ago

Ohhh this is even better!

@BillMills thanks a lot for putting everyone together! G

gabano commented 8 years ago

@pcjunger eu traduzi o conteúdo da pasta _includes


I've finished translating the contents of /_includes and set up a portuguese branch for it since gh-pages is filled with our own studyGroup info.

Let me know for whom to push it and make the pull request.


abbycabs commented 8 years ago

Hey all!

On advice from @alicoding, the easiest thing for translation might be to to add the translation as another directory on the gh-pages branch. /studyGroup/pt-br and /studyGroup/en