Lesson developed for Otago StudyGroup, see event: https://github.com/OtagoStudyGroup/studyGroup/issues/21. Prepared with Rmd / knitr. Introduction to the data.table R package, data type, and various other file I/O or data types for handling large data in R. Uses the gapminder data set from the Research Bazaar (Univ. Melbourne, 2015) Software Carpentry materials and several command from these materials.
Lesson developed for Otago StudyGroup, see event: https://github.com/OtagoStudyGroup/studyGroup/issues/21. Prepared with Rmd / knitr. Introduction to the data.table R package, data type, and various other file I/O or data types for handling large data in R. Uses the gapminder data set from the Research Bazaar (Univ. Melbourne, 2015) Software Carpentry materials and several command from these materials.