We have a multi-blog instance of wordpress. This means all of the blogs share a database. If we push the staged updates live, it will update all of the blogs, and we will likely lose data.
WPengine has stage, dev, and prod. It looks like these updates currently live on dev.
What we will need to do:
work with editorial team to pause blog updates for about a day
backup all blogs and data (should be automated by wpengine)
optional but recommended: duplicate production to the staged instance
export the file changes and bring them to staged
isolate and export the parts of the database that were updated for mozilla.design from dev and bring them to staged
We can do a single blog export of just the design blog content from dev and import it to just the design blog on prod, we don't have to do the entire database.
The studio team worked with an agency to update mozilla.design.
The changes are on https://mozilladev.wpengine.com/design
We have a multi-blog instance of wordpress. This means all of the blogs share a database. If we push the staged updates live, it will update all of the blogs, and we will likely lose data.
WPengine has stage, dev, and prod. It looks like these updates currently live on dev.
What we will need to do: