mozmorris / react-webcam

Webcam component
MIT License
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Disable popups/alerts on errors #373

Closed luicfrr closed 1 year ago

luicfrr commented 1 year ago

Please follow the general troubleshooting steps first:


Would be nice if we could disable popups/alerts windows just passing a parameter to component:

        ref={ webcamRef }

        disablePopups={true}  <--------- this prop here

        onUserMedia={ handleWebca }
        onUserMediaError={ handleWebcamError }

This is usefull when we are already handling errors using onUserMediaError

Captura de Tela 2023-05-10 às 11 35 42

luicfrr commented 1 year ago

This is alert is linked to @mediapipe/camera-utils, not to react-webcam